Young Adult Sedative and Hypnotic Drug Misuse Surges Fivefold

Young Adult Sedative and Hypnotic Drug Misuse Surges Fivefold

Rising Addiction‌ to‌ Sedatives,​ Hypnotics, and ​Anxiolytics ‍Among Teens ​and ⁤Young Adults More teens and young adults are developing addiction⁣ or⁤ dependence on drugs prescribed to help them sleep, calm down, or manage anxiety. According to a research report published⁣ in Addiction, the ⁢prevalence of sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use disorders⁢ (SHA-UD) increased three- to … Read more

Dear Doctor: Hospital’s Lack of Clarity on Wife’s Medication Schedule Raises Concerns

Dear Doctor: Hospital’s Lack of Clarity on Wife’s Medication Schedule Raises Concerns

navigating Medication Management ​and Understanding MGUS: Insights from Dr. Roach When E.W.’s ‌wife was discharged from the hospital ‍after a lengthy stay, she returned home with a new set of challenges: nine medications, ⁤six of which were newly ⁢prescribed. While the hospital provided dosing instructions, critical details about spacing out medications​ to avoid interactions were … Read more