The Causes and Importance of Treating Leg Muscle Cramps

The Causes and Importance of Treating Leg Muscle Cramps

There are many causes of ‘leg muscle cramps’… Accurate treatment is essential Entered 2023.10.24 19:10 Views 12 Entered 2023.10.24 19:10 Modified 2023.10.24 17:32 Views 12 The causes of leg muscle cramps are very diverse. As with all diseases, it is especially important in this case to quickly identify the cause and respond.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]Leg muscle cramps cause … Read more

Expand Your Knowledge: Test Your Scholarship with Daily Challenges

Expand Your Knowledge: Test Your Scholarship with Daily Challenges

You can certainly distinguish the works of Manet from Monet, remember the name Chopin and easily answer how many stars there are in the solar system. Or not? Our new test is for real scholars. Come and see how broad your horizons are. Test your knowledge every day – subscribe to our new telegram channel … Read more

Birthing in Public: Marie Antoinette’s Traumatic Experience and Historical Changes

Birthing in Public: Marie Antoinette’s Traumatic Experience and Historical Changes

Pregnancy Nurul Jasmine Fathia | Haibunda Friday, 20 Oct 2023 17:40 IWST Giving birth is generally a fairly private thing for a woman. When giving birth, mothers are usually only accompanied by their husband, closest family or a chosen doula. However, did you know that in ancient times in England, every princess or queen had … Read more

Appendicitis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Appendicitis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Pregnancy Nanie Wardhani | Haibunda Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 21:05 IWST Appendicitis or appendicitis is inflammation that occurs in the appendix. The appendix itself is part of the large intestine which is located in the lower right part of the abdomen. Therefore, when someone feels pain in the lower right part of the abdomen, this … Read more

Pregnancy Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy Nurul Jasmine Fathia | Haibunda Saturday, 14 Oct 2023 14:20 IWST When pregnant, it is a good idea for mothers to increase their education regarding pregnancy, breastfeeding and caring for their little one when he is born. Education like this can be obtained from the internet or by attending classes provided specifically for pregnant … Read more

Can Pregnant Women from IVF Have Sex? Factors Affecting IVF Success Rates and Risks

Can Pregnant Women from IVF Have Sex? Factors Affecting IVF Success Rates and Risks

Pregnancy Melly Febrida | Haibunda Thursday, 28 Sep 2023 21:40 IWST Jakarta – Mothers undergoing IVF (IVF)in vitro fertilization) of course expect success. So, if you succeed in getting pregnant through IVF, can you still have sex? Site Mayoclinic wrote that IVF is a complex procedure that can cause pregnancy. IVF is an effective fertility … Read more

The Health Risks of Pregnancy After the Age of 35 Years

The Health Risks of Pregnancy After the Age of 35 Years

I warned Ministry of Health The female population prevents pregnancy after the age of 35 years, because women are exposed to major health complications and problems. The Ministry of Health and Population added that the health problems that women are exposed to are: Eclampsia High blood pressure Having diabetes Bleeding before delivery Obstructed labor Uterus … Read more

The Health Complications of Pregnancy After the Age of 35: A Warning from Ministry of Health

The Health Complications of Pregnancy After the Age of 35: A Warning from Ministry of Health

Walid Abdel Salam wrote Tuesday, September 26, 2023 04:06 PM I warned Ministry of Health The female population prevents pregnancy after the age of 35 years, because women are exposed to major health complications and problems. The Ministry of Health and Population added that the health problems that women are exposed to are: Eclampsia High … Read more

The Ministry of Health and Population’s Concerns over Risky Pregnancy Cases and Uncontrolled Population Increase in Egypt

The Ministry of Health and Population’s Concerns over Risky Pregnancy Cases and Uncontrolled Population Increase in Egypt

Walid Abdel Salam wrote Monday, September 25, 2023 10:12 AM The Ministry of Health and Population revealed cases in which pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the mother and child, as the cases included: 1- Early pregnancy before the age of eighteen. 2- Late pregnancy after the age of 35 years. 3- Close … Read more