Exposed: Young Woman’s Shocking $18K COVID-19 Relief Loan Fraud Unveiled

Exposed: Young Woman’s Shocking K COVID-19 Relief Loan Fraud Unveiled

Pahokee Woman Accused of Defrauding COVID-19 Relief Program Table of Contents Pahokee Woman Accused of Defrauding COVID-19 Relief Program Details of the Alleged Fraud legal Consequences The CARES Act and PPP in Context Conclusion COVID-19 Relief Fraud: Unmasking the Schemes & Protecting Future Aid Programs COVID-19 Relief Fraud: A Deep Dive into systemic Vulnerabilities and … Read more

PDIP Denies Link Between Hasto and KPK Search of Djan Faridz’s House

PDIP Denies Link Between Hasto and KPK Search of Djan Faridz’s House

nHasto Kristiyanto Denies Renting Djan Faridz’s ​House Amid ⁢KPK Inquiry ⁢ In a recent advancement surrounding the ongoing corruption case involving Harun Masiku, the⁢ Secretary General of ‌the PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto,has firmly denied allegations that he rented the house ‍of former PPP Chairperson,Djan Faridz. The house, located in ⁣Menteng, was recently‍ searched by the⁤ Corruption … Read more

Djan Faridz: Former Wantimpres and House Owner Under KPK Investigation

Djan Faridz: Former Wantimpres and House Owner Under KPK Investigation

KPK Searches Residence ‌of Former Wantimpres member djan​ Faridz in⁣ Bribery Probe Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — The Corruption Eradication Commission​ (KPK) conducted a five-hour search at the‌ residence of djan Faridz, a former member of the ​Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) under the 7th President of ⁢Indonesia, Joko Widodo (jokowi). The operation, which began on Wednesday … Read more

Golkar responds to Cawagub Banten Dimyati: We have a Woman President

Golkar responds to Cawagub Banten Dimyati: We have a Woman President

Jakarta – The Chief Treasurer of the Party Golkair Sari Yuliati responded to the statement by the candidate for Banten deputy governor number 2, Dimyati Natakusumah, who said during the debate that women should not be given a heavy burden, especially as a governor. Sari said that women themselves could fulfill their mandate as leaders, … Read more

Interesting individual members of Lamongan DPRD are suspected of making video calls while naked, here are the facts

Interesting individual members of Lamongan DPRD are suspected of making video calls while naked, here are the facts

loading… A member of the Lamongan Regency DPRD is suspected of having video call sex (VCS) with a woman. Photo / screenshot LAMONGAN – Social media was shocked when a picture was uploaded which allegedly showed a ball Lamongan Regency DPRD he was having video call sex (VCS) with a woman. In the upload, the … Read more

PPP Chairman Zainut’s Reply: The Unity Celebration is simply combating on a regular basis

PPP Chairman Zainut’s Reply: The Unity Celebration is simply combating on a regular basis

Jakarta – Deputy Chief PPP Zainut Tauhid requested the PPP elite to apologize and resign after failing to enter parliament. The Chairman of the PPP DPP Syaifullah Tamliha invited all of the events to regulate themselves. “It might be higher for all of the events to regulate themselves by doing istighfar and correcting themselves for … Read more

NasDem, PKB and PKS Ready to Support Right to Inquiry for 2024 Election Fraud

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The National Democratic Party (NasDem), the National Awakening Party (PKB), and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) support the initiative of presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo regarding right of inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud 2024 Election.

So, what about the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) and the United Development Party (PPP)? Do the two political parties that support Ganjar also support the rollout of the right to inquiry in the DPR?

PPP claims to focus on vote counting

Launching from TempoPPP stated that it had not yet dealt with the right to inquiry discourse proposed by Ganjar.

Chairman of the DPP PPP Organization, Cadre and Membership Sector Achmad Baidowi said that currently his party is still focused on counting votes to pass the parliamentary threshold.

“We are still monitoring the vote counting in the field. So we are not yet focused on that (using the right to inquiry), we are focused on overseeing the vote recapitulation because we want to get through to parliament,” said Baidowi when contacted on Friday, February 23 2024.



Apart from ensuring that the PPP vote recapitulation runs properly, he said, his party is still collecting evidence and data regarding alleged election fraud.

“If PPP has passed, then we will talk about other things,” he said.

Currently, said Baidowi, PPP is still thinking about the priorities of its party, which currently has a threshold of 4 percent in parliamentary seats, but margin of eror still thin.

“We’ll see later in the trial period, what’s important now is that we are still focused on guarding the vote recapitulation count which is already in the sub-district today. We are still moving to guard our threshold which has now passed the 4 percent threshold but the margin is still thin, that’s what we are guarding. that is a priority for us,” he said.

Regarding the absence of a stance from the PPP, Baidowi emphasized that there is no element of lobbying from other camps regarding the PPP’s current decision. “It has nothing to do with lobbying,” he stressed.

PDIP: The right to inquiry is a solution

Politician PDIP Adian Napitupulu previously said that the right to inquiry in the House of Representatives or DPR was a solution to efforts to uncover various allegations of fraud in the 2024 general election or election. However, PDIP has not officially stated that it will support the right to inquiry proposed by Ganjar.

Adian claims that the public no longer trusts state administrators, such as the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Constitutional Court.

“The choice is the right to inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the implementation of the 2024 elections. Like it or not, the choice is the right to inquiry,” said Adian when speaking at the special dialogue “The People Have a Voice: The People’s Voice vs Sirekap” which was broadcast on the iNews television station, on Tuesday evening, 20 February 2024.

Next: Adian mentions the opportunity to…

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Pakistan Election Results: PTI-backed Independent Candidates Lead, Allegations of Delay and Rigging

Pakistan Election Results: PTI-backed Independent Candidates Lead, Allegations of Delay and Rigging

Even after two days of polling, counting of votes is not over in Pakistan. Independent candidates backed by former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) are currently leading in the elections held on February 8. Since Imran Khan and PTI were banned from the election due to being in jail, PTI leaders contested as independents. … Read more

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Declares Victory in Pakistan Elections 2024, PML-N to Form Government

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Declares Victory in Pakistan Elections 2024, PML-N to Form Government

In Pakistan elections(Pakistan elections 2024) Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (PM Nawaz Sharif) declared victory. He also claimed that PML-N is the largest single party in the country. “We do not have the majority to form the government on our own, so we will invite other parties to form the government. I have entrusted this … Read more

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto Criticizes Prabowo-Gibran Pair Support from PPP Fighters

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto Criticizes Prabowo-Gibran Pair Support from PPP Fighters

Jakarta – PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto spoke about PPP fighters’ support for the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 presidential election. Hasto said that Ganjar-Mahfud supporters were not talking about solid or not solid but about ethics. “This is not a question of solidity or not, this is a question of ethics. Our PDI Perjuangan … Read more