Millán Mon MEP (PP) calls in the European Parliament for a super-reduced VAT for seafood

Millán Mon MEP (PP) calls in the European Parliament for a super-reduced VAT for seafood

In a statement sent to the media, the also member of the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament points out that he demanded more support from the European Union to facilitate the adaptation of the sea-industry chain to climate change, “without a doubt” one of the ” major challenges “facing the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. … Read more

The PP proposes a tribute to Luís Davila and create a replica of his iconic Dora

The PP proposes a tribute to Luís Davila and create a replica of his iconic Dora

The PP spokesperson, Elena Estévez, advances that she has just presented a motion through the Xeral Rexistro so that this matter can be dealt with in the next ordinary plenary session of the corporation. The mayor considers that the author of the popular “Hook”, which is published daily in FARO, has more than enough merits … Read more

The PP of Riba-roja criticizes that the government “mortgages” the city council with loans

The PP of Riba-roja criticizes that the government “mortgages” the city council with loans

Riba-roja old town German Knight – The PP in Riba-roja de Túria has made public a statement where it denounces that the local government, led by the socialist Robert Raga, is carrying out a “mismanagement” where it requests “a policy of € 3,892,689 in May 2020 and in April 2021 a loan of € 4,500,000 … Read more

The PSOE asks the Provincial Council for a plan to help young people who settle in the rural areas of the province

The PSOE asks the Provincial Council for a plan to help young people who settle in the rural areas of the province

Thus, the Socialists present a motion to the Special Accounts Committee requesting this aid plan so that young people can choose different lines of action: the first one aimed at calling for financial support subsidies for young people to face the payment of housing rent in municipalities of the province with less than 20,000 inhabitants. … Read more

political, media and civil society profiles

political, media and civil society profiles

The unexpected electoral advance in the Community of Madrid has caused a political earthquake that has forced the parties to rethink their electoral strategies, aware that these elections will also have a national reading. Since the second vice president of the Government, Pablo Iglesias, decided to make the leap to regional politics, the drip of … Read more

“Vélez pulls Sánchez’s marketing to camouflage that Murcia is the worst-treated CCAA in covid funds”

“Vélez pulls Sánchez’s marketing to camouflage that Murcia is the worst-treated CCAA in covid funds”

Bernabé has underlined that “Vélez has done the accounts of the grandmother when trying to sell achievements with numbers of the story of the milkmaid”, since “if the aid of which the socialist presumes were as he says, we would have the ministers of Sánchez selling such achievements as we could see in pre-campaign “. … Read more

Aguirre, Azkuna … other politicians who battled cancer, overcame it and resumed their political occupation

Aguirre, Azkuna … other politicians who battled cancer, overcame it and resumed their political occupation

The president of Aragon, the socialist Javier Lambán, suffers a colon cancer for which they will begin to treat him next week, as he himself confirmed this Monday in an appearance before the media in which he has shown himself willing to “continue fully assuming” his functions as President of the Government of Aragon. Lambán … Read more

Salceda’s PP converts part of its allocation into food for the local bank

Salceda’s PP converts part of its allocation into food for the local bank

The councilors and councilors pose before the food. | // DP – The councilors of the PP of Salceda have converted 30% of their allocations by plenary sessions and commissions of the City Council into food for the local bank. The popular of this council of A Louriña assure that they fulfill the commitment “to … Read more