Tax evasion: New type of techniques and POS from AADE – Who is targeted – 2024-05-08 02:31:52

Tax evasion: New type of techniques and POS from AADE – Who is targeted
 – 2024-05-08 02:31:52

With an integrated network of electronic crossings, transaction controls, leveraging technology and information that can be extracted without human intervention through a special algorithm, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance and the Independent Public Revenue Authority aim to limit tax evasion, increase collection of taxes and the reduction of overdue debts to the State … Read more

POS interfaces with cash registers exceeded 250,000 – 2024-05-03 03:57:34

POS interfaces with cash registers exceeded 250,000
 – 2024-05-03 03:57:34

The interconnection of POS with cash registers has been successfully completed, a flagship project to combat tax evasion, which also contributes to strengthening the rules of equal competition between businesses. Specifically, as announced, more than 250,000 interconnections were completed by the obliged enterprises, meeting the goal set by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance … Read more

POS: Ceiling on fees and commissions for transactions up to 10 euros – 2024-04-30 06:56:31

POS: Ceiling on fees and commissions for transactions up to 10 euros
 – 2024-04-30 06:56:31

“Haircut” and ceiling for 3 years on fees and commissions on transactions up to 10 euros with cards via POS for small retail businesses such as convenience stores, bakeries, kiosks and taxis, “green light” to 4,000 businesses on the list of Teiresias to to be able to acquire “machines” and accept card payments as well … Read more

POS – cash registers: Until M. Tuesday the interface – Steep fines – 2024-04-27 09:32:57

POS – cash registers: Until M. Tuesday the interface – Steep fines
 – 2024-04-27 09:32:57

End of time for POS interface with cash registers. The deadline expires on Tuesday and the imposition of fines on those who have not complied begins. The sand is running out in the hourglass and the few businesses, around 5% – 6% of the total, that have not complied should do so immediately if they … Read more

Hatzidakis: 50% reduction in bank charges at POS – What he said about tax returns – 2024-04-26 16:23:10

Hatzidakis: 50% reduction in bank charges at POS – What he said about tax returns
 – 2024-04-26 16:23:10

The Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis announced a legislative regulation that will reduce by 50% the charges of banks at POS. The relevant amendment is expected to be tabled this week or next week at the latest in Parliament. As Mr. Hatzidakis said, the charges for small amounts are high and after … Read more

24.04.2024, 07:28 What woke up the banks from their “slumber”, the Hatzidakis trap with POS and the indestructible Titan Goldman’s “fuel” in the banks – 2024-04-25 09:34:43

24.04.2024, 07:28 What woke up the banks from their “slumber”, the Hatzidakis trap with POS and the indestructible Titan Goldman’s “fuel” in the banks
 – 2024-04-25 09:34:43

24.04.2024, 07:28 What woke up the banks from their “slumber”, the Hatzidakis trap with POS and the indestructible Titan Goldman’s “fuel” in the banks #24.04.2024 #woke #banks #slumber #Hatzidakis #trap #POS #indestructible #Titan #Goldmans #fuel #banks

POS: AADE starts hunting – 10,000-12,000 businesses are “missing” – 2024-04-11 00:40:53

POS: AADE starts hunting – 10,000-12,000 businesses are “missing”
 – 2024-04-11 00:40:53

No additional extension will be given to the interconnection of cash registers with POS, which has entered the final stretch according to the assurances of the Ministry of National Economy. Based on the data made public by AADE, the vast majority of businesses have fully complied, either by completing the interconnection, or having started the … Read more

POS: Fines are coming to over 12,000 businesses – 2024-04-03 20:18:02

POS: Fines are coming to over 12,000 businesses
 – 2024-04-03 20:18:02

The AADE is putting special inspection crews on the streets from today, which will visit street markets, stop and check taxis, pass by kiosks as well as theaters, cinemas and even festivals. The auditors are targeting professionals from 35 industries who will need to have a POS for their customer transactions. Those found not to … Read more

Pos: With card in taxis, kiosks, public from Monday – Heavy fines – 2024-04-02 14:35:11

Pos: With card in taxis, kiosks, public from Monday – Heavy fines
 – 2024-04-02 14:35:11

Card payments via POS should be accepted from Monday, April 1st by tens of thousands of businesses and freelancers who join the list of 35 new branches where the mandatory use of card payment terminals has been extended. The measure affects 110,000 businesses and professionals from taxis and street market vendors to kiosks, insurance and … Read more