“I carry this cross and I will carry it until the end!” “Transit” leader on country parties, fatal accident and connection with Sting

“I carry this cross and I will carry it until the end!”  “Transit” leader on country parties, fatal accident and connection with Sting

In honor of the conversation with the permanent leader of the band “Tranzit”, Ralf Ruben, I dressed up very appropriately – I can’t be white and it’s impossible. However, the musician’s intentions and the way he does his work are both pure and, most importantly, true. The video is no longer available. TVNET GROUP’s online … Read more

A song about suicide? The authors of “Rolling Stone” finally reveal the true story

A song about suicide?  The authors of “Rolling Stone” finally reveal the true story

“The right place, the right time – it doesn’t happen often,” says Guntars Račs, the author of the lyrics, about the phenomenon of the 2007 song “Ropoja akmens”. And yet – this hit, whose catchy melody is still remembered today, could not have experienced such success at all. TVNET+ program cycle “Pop trips”in which we … Read more

The Sound Poets: Reflecting on Hits and a Decade of Music in Latvia

The Sound Poets: Reflecting on Hits and a Decade of Music in Latvia

TVNET GROUP’s online magazine “Klik” continues the program series “Pop trips”, in which we look back at the most popular hits of the past 20 years in Latvia, inviting their performers to a conversation. This time we are talking to Jānis Aišpurus and Normundas Lukšas, musicians of the group “The Sound Poets”. In the conversation, … Read more

Pop Trips: A Conversation with Agris Semēvica, Leader of the 100th Debut Group, and the Success of their Hit Song ‘Man dimantu nava’

Pop Trips: A Conversation with Agris Semēvica, Leader of the 100th Debut Group, and the Success of their Hit Song ‘Man dimantu nava’

TVNET GROUP’s online magazine “Klik” continues the program series “Pop trips”, in which we look back at the most popular hits of Latvia of the last 20 years, inviting their performers to a conversation. This time we are talking to the leader of the group “100th Debut”, Agri Semēvica. In the conversation, we highlighted the … Read more

Transit: The Rise of Dance Music in Latvia – An Interview with Ralfs Rubenis

Transit: The Rise of Dance Music in Latvia – An Interview with Ralfs Rubenis

TVNET GROUP’s online magazine “Klik” continues the program series “Pop trips”, in which we look back at the most popular hits of the past 20 years in Latvia, inviting their performers to a conversation. This time we return to the world of dance music, when the group “Transit” was born in the 90s. In the … Read more