Six shot dead in small town in southern United States

Six shot dead in small town in southern United States

By Le Figaro with AFP Posted on 02/18/2023 at 00:32 This content is not accessible. The suspect opened fire in a store and several homes in a small town in Mississippi, in the southern United States. AFP Six people were killed Friday, February 17 by a gunman in a store and several houses in a … Read more

Kuroda relaxation and market: The effect of high stock prices due to yen depreciation is diminishing, “cleaning up” of remaining ETFs | Reuters

Kuroda relaxation and market: The effect of high stock prices due to yen depreciation is diminishing, “cleaning up” of remaining ETFs | Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) – The Nikkei 225 Stock Average has increased by about 2.5 times in the decade since the Bank of Japan implemented large-scale easing under Governor Haruhiko Kuroda. Many believe that the weaker yen, which was the biggest factor in the early stages of easing, has now lost its effect on rising stock prices. … Read more

Watch.. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two sons..and this is how she looked in a bikini- in the video

Watch.. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two sons..and this is how she looked in a bikini- in the video

li”,”slideshow”:false,”controlNav”:false,”pausePlay”:true,”prevText”:” Previous“,”nextText”:” Next“,”playText”:” Play“,”pauseText”:” Pause“,”smoothHeight”:true”> 1/2 2/2 You are now following news about Shahid .. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two children.. and this is how she appeared in a bikini- in the video, and we leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – … Read more

How dangerous was the Ohio chemical train derailment? An environmental engineer assesses the long-term risks

How dangerous was the Ohio chemical train derailment? An environmental engineer assesses the long-term risks

Headaches and lingering chemical smells from a fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, have left residents worried about their air and water – and misinformation on social media hasn’t helped. State officials offered more details of the cleanup process and a timeline of the environmental disaster during a news conference on Feb. 14, 2023. … Read more

Achieved top 3 in global exports with low-carbon, high value-added steel – Press release | briefing room | news

Achieved top 3 in global exports with low-carbon, high value-added steel – Press release |  briefing room |  news

In accordance with the policy briefing post operating principles, the following posts may be deleted. 1. In the case of posting personal information such as other person’s e-mail address, phone number, resident registration number, etc. or the relevant information 2. In case of damaging the reputation of others with unconfirmed content 3. Distributing or linking … Read more

Watch .. Ragheb Alama translates the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.”

Watch .. Ragheb Alama translates the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.”

You are now following the news about Shahid .. Ragheb Alama translating the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.” We leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – On Valentine’s Day, the Lebanese artist Ragheb Alama chose … Read more

“Politics around the world have hampered the progress of the investigation”, the WHO announces that it is interrupting its investigation into the origins of the virus

“Politics around the world have hampered the progress of the investigation”, the WHO announces that it is interrupting its investigation into the origins of the virus

WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove told the scientific journal Nature how political tensions around the world, and particularly between China and the United States, have “hampered the progress” of research. Then-US President Donald Trump claimed at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic that the virus came from a Chinese laboratory. The country in question then … Read more

Would the president of the Métropole de Lyon finally summon common sense?

Would the president of the Métropole de Lyon finally summon common sense?

However, we have seen it with the consultations on the metro which do not succeed, despite their plebiscite, we see it in the way of dealing with our mayors and local elected officials, consultation is not the strong point of environmentalists at the head of our Métropole de Lyon. But perhaps the last ipsos survey … Read more

US justice demands death penalty against Uzbek for New York attack

US justice demands death penalty against Uzbek for New York attack

By Le Figaro with AFP Published on 02/14/2023 at 00:41update on 02/14/2023 at 01:40 This content is not accessible. L’Ouzbek Sayfullo Saipov. HANDOUT / REUTERS American justice demanded Monday February 13 the death penalty against the Uzbek Sayfullo Saipov, who had killed eight people in New York in 2017 on behalf of the Islamic State … Read more

A man driving a van knocks down and injures eight people in New York

A man driving a van knocks down and injures eight people in New York

By Le Figaro with AFP Published on 02/13/2023 at 23:07 This content is not accessible. The New York police exclude at this stage any terrorist motive. SHANNON STAPLETON / REUTERS At least eight people were injured on Monday February 13 in New York after a man driving a van hit them in various places in … Read more