Sadistic KKB kills 4 people in Papua, Komnas HAM: arrested and brought to justice!

Sadistic KKB kills 4 people in Papua, Komnas HAM: arrested and brought to justice!

Jakarta – Four civilians became victims of armed criminal group (KKB) terrorist killings in Papua. Komnas HAM request the arrest of the perpetrator. “In my opinion, there must be a law enforcement process against the armed group that shot civilians in Puncak Regency,” Komnas HAM Commissioner Uli Parulian told detik comWednesday (14/12/2022). The cases of … Read more

Bribes were taken, traffic warden; The officer swallowed the money. Police supervision | bribe | India News | national news

Bribes were taken, traffic warden;  The officer swallowed the money. Police supervision |  bribe |  India News |  national news

A policeman who was caught under surveillance for taking bribes tried to escape by swallowing the bribe money. The incident took place in Faridabad, Haryana. Mahendra Ula, a sub-inspector policeman, accepted the bribe in the cattle theft case. When the supervisor learned of the information, she tried to escape by swallowing the bribe money. The … Read more

POL-F: 221213 – 1432 Frankfurt-Gallus: Pickpocket “shows off” to the 38-year-old

POL-F: 221213 – 1432 Frankfurt-Gallus: Pickpocket “shows off” to the 38-year-old

12.13.2022 – 2.41 pm Police Headquarters in Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt (ots) (dr) On Monday evening, December 12, 2022, a 38-year-old tourist ran into a pickpocket who stole his wallet with the so-called “dancer’s trick”. At around 17:10, the injured person left Frankfurt Central Station via the southern exit, dragging two suitcases alongside. Apparently he … Read more

A Japanese man died in the detention center and was tied up and raped by several policemen – yqqlm

A Japanese man died in the detention center and was tied up and raped by several policemen – yqqlm

Título original: A Japanese man died in a detention center and was tied up and raped by several policemen Okazaki Police Station, Aichi Prefecture (Mainichi Shimbun) Overseas Network, December 13th According to Japan’s “Mainichi Shimbun” 13 report, an unemployed man detained by the police in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, died recently in a detention … Read more