Presidential election in Poland. The population sulks a piped election

Presidential election in Poland. The population sulks a piped election

Thepresidential election is scheduled for Sunday, May 10 and we don’t even know who’s going to run: there is no campaign, we are uninformed “ , laments Oliwia Jandzio, in her forties, a French teacher in Krakow. Like her, 80% of Polish want the poll to be postponed to get of elections transparent ”.And the … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

WASHINGTON – In a race for a vaccine designed to put an end to the global COVID-19 pandemic, eight participants pulled ahead. Eight candidate vaccines are tested in humans in clinics in China, the United States, Britain and Germany. In addition to them, at least 94 are at different stages of development. The Trump administration … Read more

Behind the scenes of Brussels – Containment: the debate prohibited

Behind the scenes of Brussels – Containment: the debate prohibited

It only took a few moments, on March 16, for the Head of State and his government, in the name of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, to place the French under house arrest and deprive them of most of their freedoms civil, political and social that we thought inalienable: freedom to come and go, … Read more

German wants to cross the border – soldiers fire warning shots

German wants to cross the border – soldiers fire warning shots

The Polish borders have been closed to foreigners since March 13. Nevertheless, a German living in the Czech Republic wanted to cross the Czech-Polish border at Pilszcz. The border guards became uncomfortable. Photo series with 27 pictures – Polish soldiers are closed on the closed border Czech Republic two warning shots were fired after a … Read more

IVG in Poland: “The government is taking advantage of the crisis to destroy our rights”

IVG in Poland: “The government is taking advantage of the crisis to destroy our rights”

“I can’t believe they are taking advantage of the pandemic to iron out these ridiculous laws!” annoys Anna Zaradny, while the Polish Parliament is due to debate this Thursday the total ban on abortion in the event of serious malformations of the embryo. Before the vote on Tuesday, dressed in all black, including mask and … Read more

doctors are trying to understand the causes of high mortality from COVID-19

doctors are trying to understand the causes of high mortality from COVID-19

The frightening speed with which the condition of people infected with coronavirus worsens, and completely sudden deaths shock even experienced doctors and nurses who do not yet understand how to stop such a sudden deterioration in the condition of patients. Patients “look good, feel good, and then … if you turn your back on them, … Read more

how COVID-19 turns body cells into viral factories

how COVID-19 turns body cells into viral factories

When the coronavirus attacks the body of its next victim, it turns the patient’s own cells into original factories for the production of new viruses. The process begins on the surface of the cell when the virus captures the protein, which usually helps regulate the patient’s blood pressure. The cell involuntarily lets the virus inside … Read more

Ukrainians storm the border before it closes

Ukrainians storm the border before it closes

According to the publication, thousands of people gathered in the two remaining open checkpoints on the Polish side. Ukrainians were waiting in the neutral zone when they were picked up by buses and taken home. “On the border, hell and madhouse are happening – thousands of people with trunks, everyone is pushing, swearing. What … Read more

Corona ticker Saxony on March 17th: VW shuts down production, also in Saxony

Corona ticker Saxony on March 17th: VW shuts down production, also in Saxony

08:31 am | Third corona ambulance in Leipzig The city of Leipzig has set up another corona ambulance. According to the administration, it is located in the south of the city. It did not disclose the exact location in order to prevent numerous citizens from visiting the ambulance unannounced. However, they should first call the … Read more

“Mortality from coronavirus is 100 times greater than from influenza”

“Mortality from coronavirus is 100 times greater than from influenza”

Professor virologist spoke about COVID-19 mutations – Sergey Viktorovich, do any viruses tend to change over time? How has the Chinese virus changed lately? – The population of the COVID-19 virus, apparently, was initially heterogeneous and gradually changing. So, in the Chinese province of Hubei, where he began his journey around the world, the mortality … Read more