Coronavirus: “A second wave could last much longer than the first”

Coronavirus: “A second wave could last much longer than the first”

Optimistic hospital data, controlled clusters and an end to the state of health emergency announced for July 10: in France, the Covid-19 epidemic seems to continue its decline with no visible sign of rebound. How to explain it? Is the episode short-lived or impossible to assess? Epidemiologist Antoine Flahault, professor of public health and director … Read more

Strong increase in coronavirus contamination in Poland

Strong increase in coronavirus contamination in Poland

There is an increase in coronavirus cases in Poland. Two thirds of the newly infected work for the same company. – Lhe Poland recorded during the weekend a skyrocketing of the infections in coronavirus in particular related to a coal mine in the south of the country, indicated Sunday the ministry for Health. The country … Read more

Wind of protest over post-containment Poland

Wind of protest over post-containment Poland

The streets of the capital Polish, forced rest for several months, swarmed, this weekend, protesters: against vaccines, in solidarity with the Belarusians, to support presidential candidates … striking entrepreneurs did not miss their weekly meeting. Born before the end of confinement, this movement, which resembles the French yellow vests, but without violence , according to … Read more

Poland. Strong increase in cases of contamination with the new coronavirus

Poland. Strong increase in cases of contamination with the new coronavirus

Poland over the weekend saw a spike in infections from new coronavirus in particular linked to a coal mine in the south of the country, the health ministry said on Sunday. The country has listed 1,151 new cases of Covid-19, including 576 on Saturday and 575 on Sunday. Among those infected, almost two-thirds are employees … Read more

Why Central European countries have been more resistant to Covid-19

Why Central European countries have been more resistant to Covid-19

INVESTIGATION – Several factors explain the low spread of the virus in Austria and the countries of the East. By Myriam detruy –A couple is enjoying the sun in the garden of Schoenbrunn Palace in Vienna. Austria, which began its first phase of deconfinement on April 14, authorized the reopening of all shops last Saturday. … Read more

“Astonishing improvement” … plasma therapy says in two countries

“Astonishing improvement” … plasma therapy says in two countries

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " Dr. Yasek Mazur of Kingzin Kuzla Hospital added that 36 hours after receiving the plasma, the 31-year-old woman had a ventilator removed and started breathing on her own. After another 24 hours, her condition allowed her to be transferred from intensive care … Read more

Polish presidential elections will take place by letter at a later date NOW

Polish presidential elections will take place by letter at a later date NOW

The Polish government party PiS and coalition partner Accord agreed on Wednesday that the May 10 presidential elections will be postponed and will take place by letter. This means that the presidential elections have been postponed four days before the ballot box. The parties have not yet mentioned a new date. According to PiS, according … Read more

Presidential election in Poland. The population sulks a piped election

Presidential election in Poland. The population sulks a piped election

Thepresidential election is scheduled for Sunday, May 10 and we don’t even know who’s going to run: there is no campaign, we are uninformed “ , laments Oliwia Jandzio, in her forties, a French teacher in Krakow. Like her, 80% of Polish want the poll to be postponed to get of elections transparent ”.And the … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

WASHINGTON – In a race for a vaccine designed to put an end to the global COVID-19 pandemic, eight participants pulled ahead. Eight candidate vaccines are tested in humans in clinics in China, the United States, Britain and Germany. In addition to them, at least 94 are at different stages of development. The Trump administration … Read more