flu-pneumonia The silent menace that comes with winter

flu-pneumonia The silent menace that comes with winter

With today People around the world are starting to return to their normal lives. after lifting COVID-19 lockdown measures wear a mask and make more trips While the four main pathogens causing pneumonia still exist are influenza, COVID-19, RSV and pneumococcus. This makes it more likely to spread from person to person. Especially in the … Read more

Facts and myths about bathing at night, here’s the medical explanation

Facts and myths about bathing at night, here’s the medical explanation

JAKARTA, iNewsKuningan.id – Sleeping at night facts and myths, this is the medical explanation. Bathing at night can cause problems according to some people Health like it rheumatism and other diseases. However, in reality, if done correctly, night bathing can be beneficial for the body. Facts and myths about night baths will be discussed in … Read more

Recommend vaccination against COVID-19 Reduce serious illnesses if infected at the same time | Thai PBS News Thai PBS News

Recommend vaccination against COVID-19 Reduce serious illnesses if infected at the same time |  Thai PBS News Thai PBS News

Dr. Manoon revealed that the COVID outbreak was coupled with the flu. simultaneously infected with the risk of severe disease Ready to raise the case of unvaccinated male patients against Today (December 16, 2022), Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, respiratory disease specialist Vichaiyut Hospital He posted a message via Facebook page, Dr. Manoon Lee Chawengwong FC, stating … Read more