Morena asks SCJN for recusal for PAN’s admission of appeal against plurinominals

Morena asks SCJN for recusal for PAN’s admission of appeal against plurinominals

The national leadership of Morena presented to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation a recusal appeal against the president minister Norma Lucía Piña and the minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá, for admitting to process an appeal by the leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés, with which he seeks that the highest court … Read more

Draft bills approved to assign ‘pluris’ in San Lázaro and Senate

Draft bills approved to assign ‘pluris’ in San Lázaro and Senate

The Commission on Prerogatives and Political Parties of the National Electoral Institute (INE) unanimously approved the draft agreements on the validity of the election of deputies and senators based on the principle of proportional representation, which assign the political parties the seats that correspond to them and complete the distribution that they will have in … Read more

You have to be “cynical to ask for an interpretation” of the law on plurinominals: AMLO

You have to be “cynical to ask for an interpretation” of the law on plurinominals: AMLO

“You have to be a cynic, a cretin” to ask for an “interpretation” of the Constitution in search of a different formula for the allocation of plurinominal seats, said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He stressed that the Constitution and the law on the matter are very clear on this issue, so he once again … Read more