Opava plants greenery in the center in portable concrete flower pots

Opava plants greenery in the center in portable concrete flower pots

Jitka Hrušková Redaktor~ka write me Opava is preparing landscaping on Horní náměstí, Mezi Trhy Street, Dolní náměstí and around the train station. Click to enlarge Opava will turn green again. | Photo: courtesy of the city of Opava Can you help the police? We are looking for witnesses to the traffic accident in Malé Hoštice … Read more

Forest Food Market Growth and Technology Empowerment

Market size grows steadily, technology empowers, improves quality and efficiency Forest “grain bank” makes China’s rice bowl more abundant Our country has a population of more than 1.4 billion, and the issue of food is a major national issue. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “to solve the problem of food, we cannot just focus … Read more

Race Against Time: Save Baby Elias’ Life with Urgent Transplant in Turkey

Race Against Time: Save Baby Elias’ Life with Urgent Transplant in Turkey

Two years after the birth of her first child, Heba was eagerly awaiting her second child. Baby Elias Al-Jafail was born with a beautiful smile and a small face. Everything was fine until he was two months old, and then the family’s life was turned upside down. Two months of breastfeeding and the diary of … Read more

Second-ever Genetically Modified Pig Heart Transplant Performed on Patient

Second-ever Genetically Modified Pig Heart Transplant Performed on Patient

This week, a 58-year-old patient became the second person in the world to have a genetically modified pig heart transplanted into his body, in a new example of a very active field of research in recent years. The first similar operation was conducted in 2022 at the same institution, the University of Maryland School of … Read more

First Person in Britain Receives Organ Transplant without Lifelong Medications

First Person in Britain Receives Organ Transplant without Lifelong Medications

The eight-year-old has become the first person in Britain to undergo an organ transplant, without having to take immunosuppressive medications for the rest of her life. Aditi Shankar, who suffers from a rare genetic condition, received a new kidney and bone marrow from her mother Divya. Because she underwent a stem transplant using bone marrow, … Read more