Discovery of a famous plant that lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps in weight loss

Discovery of a famous plant that lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps in weight loss

Al Marsad Newspaper: Flax seeds were known since ancient times by the ancient Greeks and Pharaohs as one of the most important types of medicinal seeds with many benefits for the body. About the benefits of flaxseed: 1- Reduce the risk of heart disease: Modern science has proven the role of flaxseed in reducing the … Read more

Discovery of a famous and cheap plant that lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps you lose weight

Discovery of a famous and cheap plant that lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps you lose weight

Al Marsad Newspaper: Flax seeds were known since ancient times by the ancient Greeks and Pharaohs as one of the most important types of medicinal seeds with many benefits for the body. About the benefits of flaxseed: 1- Reduce the risk of heart disease: Modern science has proven the role of flaxseed in reducing the … Read more

Discovery of a famous plant that fights infections, helps pregnancy, prevents wrinkles and relieves colds

Discovery of a famous plant that fights infections, helps pregnancy, prevents wrinkles and relieves colds

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Marjoram is an aromatic plant that belongs to the mint family, and is abundant in the Mediterranean basin. And the benefits of marjoram include: 1- Improve ovarian health in women: The benefits of marjoram for women lie in the fact that marjoram can help treat polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder … Read more