Scientists Say Planets That Have Water Don’t Have to Be Similar to Earth

Scientists Say Planets That Have Water Don’t Have to Be Similar to Earth

Earth-like conditions are not necessary for the long-term existence of liquid water. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Water is absolutely necessary for life on Earth. When scientists think about life outside our solar system, scientists usually imagine planet a water-rich exoplanet similar to our own aquatic world. A potentially habitable world is suggested by an exoplanet that … Read more

3 Planets That Contain Water Apart from Earth, Number 2 is Massive

3 Planets That Contain Water Apart from Earth, Number 2 is Massive

JAKARTA – Earth is the only planet (or moon) known to have air consistent and stable on the surface. Scientists believe some planets or moons in the solar system have significant stores of water beneath the surface. The reason is that the Earth and a number of planets or moons orbit around the sun in … Read more

Not Far from the Solar System, NASA Finds 2 Earth-like Exoplanets

Not Far from the Solar System, NASA Finds 2 Earth-like Exoplanets

NEW YORK – National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) recently discovered two exoplanets similar to Earth. It is said that its location is not far from the solar system. As reported by UPI, Sunday (19/6/2022), the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) team from NASA said the two exoplanets were 33 light years apart. … Read more

Bigger and Hotter than Earth, These 2 Mysterious Planets Will Be Observed by the James Webb Telescope

Bigger and Hotter than Earth, These 2 Mysterious Planets Will Be Observed by the James Webb Telescope

FLORIDA – James Webb Space Telescope planning to explore a new world of planet strange rocky in more detail. The two planets observed, known as the extremely hot and lava-covered 55 Cancri e, and LHS 3844 b, have no substantial atmosphere. Rocky planets are more difficult to observe than giant planets in the form of … Read more

Scientists Find Planet Very Habitable, Even Better than Earth

Scientists Find Planet Very Habitable, Even Better than Earth

Illustration of an Earth-sized exoplanet believed to be habitable like Earth. Photo: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech HOUSTON, – Scientists claim to have discovered very habitable planet like, Earth. Even better. Earth is the only known inhabited planet and life depends on water, so efforts to identify exoplanets that can host life have focused on Earth-like … Read more

Astronomers Find Planets That Have Rain of Gems in the Solar System

Astronomers Find Planets That Have Rain of Gems in the Solar System

JAKARTA – Astronomers investigate planet a giant exoplanet 855 light years from Earth. This planet with extreme heat has a lot of gems raining. Astronomers believe that the planet has a rain of gems because they have investigated its atmosphere. The most detailed analysis to date has revealed for the first time the conditions and … Read more

Astronomers Find Habitable Planets, Could Be a Substitute for Earth

Astronomers Find Habitable Planets, Could Be a Substitute for Earth

LONDON – Astronomers’ efforts to find habitable planet resulted in the discovery of planets close to white dwarfs. The planet, which is about 117 light years away, is thought to have water that would support life on it. The as-yet-unnamed planet was detected in the star’s habitable zone, where it is neither too cold nor … Read more

Scientists Find Extreme Planet Like Earth, Atmosphere of Metallic Gases

Scientists Find Extreme Planet Like Earth, Atmosphere of Metallic Gases

The atmosphere of titanium oxide functions like the ozone layer on Earth. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Scientists discovered a planet outside the solar system may have a complex atmosphere made of metallic gases. Research published in the journal Nature Astronomy, found evidence that metals found in the atmosphere of WASP-189b are the first to show that … Read more

New Planet Earth Will Be Found by James Webb Telescope?

New Planet Earth Will Be Found by James Webb Telescope?

Jakarta – James Webb Telescope has been on the air with far more sophisticated technology than before to detect exoplanet, the term for planets outside the Solar System. Can finally track a planet similar to Earth this? Since 1992, astronomers have discovered nearly 5,000 exoplanets and estimate that in the Milky Way alone, the number … Read more

Astronomers Detect 170 Wildly Moving Planets in Solar System

Astronomers Detect 170 Wildly Moving Planets in Solar System

JAKARTA – Astronomers have detected thousands of space rocks estimated as planet in the milky way galaxy. However, of the thousands of planets, there are about 170 planets moving wildly because there is no parent star that is the path of its orbit. Using the facilities of the European Southern Observatory, astronomers identified as many … Read more