Perusic and Schweiner defeated the world vice-champion in Itapema and are in the playoffs

Perusic and Schweiner defeated the world vice-champion in Itapema and are in the playoffs

Olympians Schweiner and Perušič first succumbed twice today at 19:21 to the French couple Arnaud Gauthier-Rat, Youssef Krou. They didn’t start well with the Germans either, but after losing set 14:21 they won another 21:17 and 15:10. – Other Czechs Jakub Šépka and Tomáš Semerád, who unexpectedly succeeded in Thursday’s qualification, took 19th place after … Read more

Rizal Ramli Names Muhammad Lutfi as Trade Minister from Njeplak

Rizal Ramli Names Muhammad Lutfi as Trade Minister from Njeplak

Banten, CNN Indonesia — Former Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs 2015-2016 Rizal Ramli mention the Minister of Trade (Minister of Trade) Muhammad Lutfi | as the original office njeplak. Because Rizal said, many of Lutfi’s statements which he considered as jokes were not funny. The first statement regarding the high cost and scarcity of soybeans … Read more

The Trade Minister said, Billions of Pigs in China Make Indonesian Soybean Imports So Expensive

The Trade Minister said, Billions of Pigs in China Make Indonesian Soybean Imports So Expensive – Minister of Trade (Trade Minister), Muhammad Lutfi, stated the price increase soya bean in Indonesia due to several problems from importing countries, one of which is the bad weather El Nina in South America. “So the problem with soybeans in Indonesia, whose prices have recently increased due to several problems and the occurrence … Read more

Pork. The rendering tax is generalized in France, against the advice of the Cooperl

Pork.  The rendering tax is generalized in France, against the advice of the Cooperl

Vs the opinion of the Cooperl, the rendering tax which is used to finance the collection and treatment of animals that have died accidentally in pig farms has been extended to the entire profession. Two decrees published in Official newspaper December 24, 2021 plan to obtain, from the start of 2022, the payment of a … Read more

Vietnam Disappointed Can’t Eat Pork in 2021 AFF Cup

Vietnam Disappointed Can’t Eat Pork in 2021 AFF Cup

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Trainer Vietnam Park Hang Seo was disappointed after his team didn’t get a chance to eat meat pig During AFF Cup 2021 (2020) in Singapore so far. The team nicknamed the Golden Star Warriors arrived in Singapore on Wednesday (1/12) after undergoing the third round of the 2022 World Cup Qualifiers. … Read more

Indonesian Muslim celebrities are excited to eat pork

Indonesian Muslim celebrities are excited to eat pork

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Two Indonesian Muslim celebrities are reported to have eaten pork. This creates a furore in cyberspace. The first is Kaesang Pangarep, the youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). It turned out that he had tasted pork while continuing his education at the Singapore Institute of Management University in 2013. This … Read more

Researchers Reveal Why Pig Kidneys Are More Suitable for Transplanting to Humans

Researchers Reveal Why Pig Kidneys Are More Suitable for Transplanting to Humans

Jakarta – The surgical team from Nyu Langone Health USA successfully performed the transplant pork kidney to humans. Scientists linked genetically modified pig kidneys to human patients and watched the organs filter waste from the patients’ bodies. Quoted from the page Live Science, the trial was conducted on brain-dead patients who were registered organ donors … Read more

Transplanting Pig Kidneys into Humans, Why Don’t Scientists Use Other Animals?

Researchers Reveal Why Pig Kidneys Are More Suitable for Transplanting to Humans

Jakarta – The success of the US Nyu Langone Health surgical team in carrying out the transplant pork kidney to humans into the spotlight of the world. However, this method of transplantation is not new. It is noted that this clinical research was started in 1906 and was the first xenotransplantation research conducted. Pig itself … Read more

They are second in the world! Dream season, September Czechs. But one snag came after it

They are second in the world!  Dream season, September Czechs.  But one snag came after it

From left David Schweiner, Ondřej Perušič, Norwegian beach volleyball player Anders Mol and good mood at the announcement of the World Series final in Cagliari. FIVB – Extending the summer on the beaches of Sardinia is a dream of many holidaymakers, but the Czech leaders went to Italy to work. Thanks to the excellent performances … Read more