Ricarda Lang: Green Party leader with curlers! | Entertainment

Ricarda Lang: Green Party leader with curlers! | Entertainment

Vanity is not on her agenda! Green Party leader Ricarda Lang (30) shows her sense of humor and surprises her followers on Instagram with a very special snapshot. It was taken before her wedding on August 17 in Berlin. It shows the Swabian woman in a short, airy cotton dress with curlers. Ricarda Lang without … Read more

The Scandalous Crime Scene: Uncovering a Right-Wing Extremist Network in Frankfurt

The Scandalous Crime Scene: Uncovering a Right-Wing Extremist Network in Frankfurt

Von: Walter M. Straten Today’s Frankfurt crime scene “Mercy. Too late.” has a real role model. A scandal five years ago. Police officers in the Rhine-Main area had set up a right-wing extremist network. THE CASE: At night near Frankfurt. Patrolman Laby meets a dark guy on a country road, wants to get out of … Read more