The Importance of Regular Exercise for Physical and Mental Health: Recommendations from Specialists

The Importance of Regular Exercise for Physical and Mental Health: Recommendations from Specialists

Although we have certain weekly walks, it is still better for our health to set certain days when we do sports for a fixed time. So, what do the specialists recommend to preserve our physical and mental health through exercise? Specialists’ findings have shown that exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression, while … Read more

Managing Asthma: Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Prevention

Managing Asthma: Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Prevention

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi. causing the airways to constrict and swell And may result in the body producing more phlegm than normal. These symptoms can make it difficult for us to breathe and trigger a cough. breathing and whistling sound Asthma cannot be cured. but can control the symptoms Because … Read more

“Why Men Should Start Losing Weight: Benefits Beyond Appearance”

“Why Men Should Start Losing Weight: Benefits Beyond Appearance”

Many men feel they are overweight or obese. But they may not have the motivation to lose weight or don’t know what the weight loss will bring in return. In addition to changing their own appearance Will it be worth the time and effort put into it? In which weight loss, in addition to helping … Read more

Abdel Ghaffar unveils a new project for a mental health complex (outside Cairo)

Abdel Ghaffar unveils a new project for a mental health complex (outside Cairo)

Main Egypt News Egypt News Top news Friday, January 27, 2023 – 5:21 PM Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health a sh a Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, affirmed President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s interest in the mental health file, revealing that a complex will soon be established outside Cairo for … Read more

With the start of the first semester exams.. How do we preserve the psychological health of children?

With the start of the first semester exams.. How do we preserve the psychological health of children?

Coinciding with the start of the first semester exams for students of all stages of transfer, parents are faced with some problems with their children, due to study fatigue, maintaining sleep and wake times and security of the own mental health. In the following report, we provide mothers with tips to maintain students’ psychological health. … Read more

Factors that increase the risk of diabetes.. How to live a healthy lifestyle

Factors that increase the risk of diabetes.. How to live a healthy lifestyle

Many suffer from it Diabetes and many people with Bdiabetic Those with the first and second types are unaware of their condition and do not discover the disease, which affects their health and puts them at risk. And according to Fredhutch, some of the risk factors for diabetes can be controlled through the lifestyle choices … Read more

Is there a diet to lower cholesterol?.. Find out the answer

Is there a diet to lower cholesterol?.. Find out the answer

The name cholesterol is closely associated with heart attack, stroke, and other types of strokes heart disease and blood vessels, but our bodies also need cholesterol, a type of fat needed to form cell membranes, important hormones like testosterone and estrogen, bile acids needed to digest and absorb fat, and vitamin D. According to the … Read more

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

AA TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Vitamin D is a lipid solution supplement that can help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin D formation in the body is assisted by exposure to sunlight and is found in different types of foods. Vitamin D deficiency can cause serious illness. Baca: Knowing the function of vitamin … Read more