7 rare phenomena that occurred in the Indonesian sky throughout 2022

7 rare phenomena that occurred in the Indonesian sky throughout 2022

Loading… This is the astronomical phenomenon that is happening in Indonesia throughout 2022. PHOTO/IST JAKARTA – For the whole year 2022 This time, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) has noted that there are several rare phenomena occurring in the skies over Indonesia. READ ALSO – Unique natural phenomenon in the world A rare … Read more

What is a Solar Eclipse? This is an explanation of a rare phenomenon

What is a Solar Eclipse?  This is an explanation of a rare phenomenon

One of the two phenomenon of nature the long-awaited and rare is the solar eclipse. This eclipse is known to occur when the sun, moon and earth are in parallel orbits. So the moon will block the light emitted by the sun. Solar eclipse, especially a total solar eclipse, occurs only once every few years. … Read more

4 eclipse phenomena that occur during 2022, there is a total lunar eclipse

4 eclipse phenomena that occur during 2022, there is a total lunar eclipse

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com – Selama tahun 2022 terjadi banyak fenomena langit salah satunya yakni gerhana. Tercatat setidaknya ada empat kali gerhana baik matahari maupun bulan yang terjadi sepanjang 2022. Gerhana sendiri merupakan fenomena langit langka dimana cahaya matahari yang menuju Bumi terhalang oleh Bulan (Gerhana Matahari). Atau cahaya matahari yang menuju bulan terhalang oleh Bumi sehingga Bulan … Read more