Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Scientists’ Breakthrough Extends Human Life and Eradicates Diseases

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Scientists’ Breakthrough Extends Human Life and Eradicates Diseases

Scientists from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the USA have made a breakthrough in extending human life and getting rid of diseases. They were able to change the settings of human immune cells, the Doctor Peter channel reported. Scientists have already used CAR T cells to treat cancer tumors by changing the settings so … Read more

Protect Yourself from Influenza and ARVI: Important Tips from Rospotrebnadzor

Protect Yourself from Influenza and ARVI: Important Tips from Rospotrebnadzor

During the autumn-winter season, the likelihood of contracting influenza and ARVI is especially high. What is hidden behind this abbreviation and how to protect yourself from infections, the press service of the Rospotrebnadzor department for St. Petersburg told. Acute respiratory infections include rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. Depending on the pathogen, the disease … Read more

The doctor told St. Petersburg residents which foods contain vitamin D

The doctor told St. Petersburg residents which foods contain vitamin D

In winter, the body of St. Petersburg residents especially suffers from a lack of vitamin D. Learn how to get it without the sun. TV channel “St. Petersburg” said an endocrinologist, nutritionist Ph.D. Nadezhda Fetisova. According to the doctor, the daily requirement for an adult is 600 international units. “Neither the summer sun, nor the … Read more

Common Misconceptions about Breast Cancer: Debunked by Medical Expert

Common Misconceptions about Breast Cancer: Debunked by Medical Expert

Medical expert and director of SberLife Insurance Natalya Tarasova spoke in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta about the most common misconceptions regarding breast cancer. According to the expert, the very first myth is the influence of heredity. According to statistics, only 10 percent of diseases are associated with hereditary predisposition. Also among the misconceptions is … Read more

Dangerous Diseases to be Aware of While Vacationing: Dengue Fever, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Yellow Fever

Dangerous Diseases to be Aware of While Vacationing: Dengue Fever, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Yellow Fever

Residents of St. Petersburg were reminded of dangerous diseases that can seriously ruin a vacation. Therefore, it is worth observing some safety rules so as not to spoil your vacation. According to the press service of Rospotrebnadzor in St. Petersburg, an acute viral disease that occurs with fever, intoxication, myalgia, arthralgia and rash – dengue … Read more

US Actors Guild Votes in Favor of Largest Strike in 43 Years

US Actors Guild Votes in Favor of Largest Strike in 43 Years

The US Actors Guild is preparing for the first strike in 43 years, and probably the largest in history, according to the American edition of Variety. It is reported that 98 percent of the members of the union, which consists of 160,000 actors, voted in favor of the strike, which was scheduled for July 14, … Read more