How does the future Slovak president live? Korčok in Tahiti, Pellegrini with a friend

How does the future Slovak president live?  Korčok in Tahiti, Pellegrini with a friend

/FROM THE SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT OF DENÍKU/ The Slovak elections have a big pre-election scandal, which concerns the house that has been secretly used by the Speaker of the Parliament, Peter Pellegrini. But the newspaper also found out how things are with the house by the beach of his opponent Ivan Korčok. The reporter of Deník … Read more

Pellegrini mluvil o svm stometrovm byt jako o malikm, popudil Slovky

Pellegrini mluvil o svm stometrovm byt jako o malikm, popudil Slovky

Title: Rethinking Privilege and Responsibility in Public Service The Illusion ‍of ​Understanding In a recent presidential debate on Markiza, a candidate expressed⁢ discomfort with living in a small apartment with ⁣his dog, citing the need for more space. This statement sparked a discussion on privilege and the disconnect between​ politicians⁤ and the everyday struggles ‌of … Read more