In prison and without family or lawyers: Pedro Castillo’s Christmas after the failed coup | Hannibal Torres | Lilia Paredes | Judiciary | Prosecutor | Peter Castillo

Last Wednesday, December 7, Peter Castillo He was the protagonist of a limit moment, one of those in which, depending on the result, someone’s life will make a 180-degree turn: the announcement of a coup d’etat following a forced closure of the Congress of the republic, which ended up being the final blow to his … Read more

Pedro Castillo loses his sixth lawyer in less than 15 days | PERU

Former President Pedro Castillo is going through one of his worst moments in the midst of the political crisis after the failed coup attempt. Not only is he facing 18 months in custody for these events, but he is also increasingly running out of defense. Lawyers Raúl Noblecilla and Ronald Atencio have announced that they … Read more

Two dead in nationwide protests against Peru’s new president America current | DW extension

Two people, including a teenager, were killed during protests against new president Dina Boluarte in Peru. Five other people were injured in the southern city of Andahuaylas, police said. Participants in national demonstrations on Sunday called for fresh elections and the release of former president Pedro Castillo, who has been in custody since Thursday. They … Read more

Peruvian post-impeachment conditions of President Castillo Page all

LIMA, KOMPAS. com – A thousand demonstrators marched through Lima demanding the acquittal of the impeached president, Peter Castillobefore the police broke up the demonstration with tear gas, he made several arrests. “Peter Castillo, Peru with you!” and “If there is no liberation, there will be revolution!” chanted the leftist supporters. Reported by AFP, Protesters … Read more

Peruvian president expelled at least until Tuesday

Reuters ANNOUNCEMENTS•yesterday, 10:41 pm Peruvian President Pedro Castillo is in jail until at least Tuesday, the South American country’s Supreme Court ruled. Castillo, 53, impeached yesterday by the Peruvian parliament, was sentenced to seven days in pre-trial detention. The scheme entered into force retroactively, yesterday counting as the first day. Castillo was accused of, among … Read more

They arrested the president of Peru –

President Peter Castillo was arrested by the authoritiesMercopress reported. The Attorney General Daniel Soria has already filed a criminal complaint against Castillo over his previously announced dissolution of parliament. While this is happening, Congress has voted in an extraordinary session to free the current president of the republic. It passed with 101 votes in favor. … Read more

Peter Castillo | His attorney Benji Espinoza says it has not yet been determined whether the president will go to Congress on the day his vacancy is discussed RMMN | POLITICS

Benji Espinoza, attorney for the president Peter Castillohe stated that it has not yet been defined whether the head of state will participate in the session of the Congress of the Republic on Wednesday 7 December, where the third vacancy request filed against him will be discussed. In statements to journalists, he indicated that various … Read more