Does your pet reflect your state of health?

Does your pet reflect your state of health?

What is your risk of developing diabetes if your dog also has the disease? Answer in this article. – You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Dog owners have a 78% higher risk of being infected with the coronavirus Could our faithful four-legged friends transmit certain viruses to us? —– Our little furballs, who took … Read more

A Viral Man in China Takes a “Tiger” for a Walk, Turns Out a Painted Dog

A Viral Man in China Takes a “Tiger” for a Walk, Turns Out a Painted Dog

A collage photo of a dog painted in stripes to resemble a tiger in China. (Source: Zhangye Daily via Daily Mail) JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Viral video of a man walking with a “tiger” on China. After being traced, the “tiger” was apparently a dog that the owner had painted orange-black with. Reporting from the Daily … Read more

“I screamed and he spat at the dog!” In Riga, an aggressive dog tore his brother to death – Pets – Nature and animals

“I screamed and he spat at the dog!”  In Riga, an aggressive dog tore his brother to death – Pets – Nature and animals

“And this is the place we met. And suddenly I see the dog’s head. The male of the American Akita breed. It happened very quickly, I was very surprised that the dog is so far from its owner. At the same moment my dog ​​was caught. in the air [zobos] shook the dog. Five kilograms … Read more

Angry Accused of Keeping Many Unusual Animals As a Condition for Pesugihan, This Is What Makes It Rich, Calling One Transaction Up to IDR 30 Million

Angry Accused of Keeping Many Unusual Animals As a Condition for Pesugihan, This Is What Makes It Rich, Calling One Transaction Up to IDR 30 Million

Sosok.ID – Name Irfan Hakim it is already familiar in the entertainment world in this country as a presenter. However some time this figure Irfan Hakim indeed very rarely adorns the public screen. This is because there are indeed very few jobs or job offers that make it rarely seen in front of the camera. … Read more

The German order: Germany will force dogs to be walked twice a day

The German order: Germany will force dogs to be walked twice a day

The German government is preparing a law that requires dog owners to take them out for a walk at least twice a day, according to. Government information, German pets don’t walk long enough. The Minister of Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, announced that the so-called “dog law” will be modified and the new indication will enter into … Read more