Researchers Successfully Uncover Mysterious Pathways in the Arctic Deep Sea

Researchers Successfully Uncover Mysterious Pathways in the Arctic Deep Sea – Mysterious tracks forming a path are found at the bottom deep sea Arctic. Research teams from Germany and Norway also succeeded in uncovering this unusual pathway in the deep sea. The researchers were very surprised to see the detailed high-resolution images of the deep sea floor of the Arctic. Mysterious trails like paths … Read more

5 Benefits of Cinnamon, Against Free Radicals to Heart Disease

5 Benefits of Cinnamon, Against Free Radicals to Heart Disease – For thousands of years, cinnamon has been used as a traditional medicine throughout the world. Benefits of cinnamon, one of which, is obtained from an active ingredient called cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon believed to treat various health problems, ranging from overcoming obesity to lowering blood sugar levels. Reporting from WebMD, cinnamon contains very little protein … Read more

Outer Space Mystery, What’s Inside the Black Hole? Page all

Outer Space Mystery, What’s Inside the Black Hole?  Page all – The universe is a very beautiful and “wild” place. There are many things in the universe that are still beyond the reach of human knowledge. One of the objects in the universe that always attracts attention because it is considered extreme, strange, and “scary” is black hole or black hole. Black hole is … Read more

The Mystery of Outer Space, What’s Inside a Black Hole?

The Mystery of Outer Space, What’s Inside a Black Hole? – The universe is a very beautiful and “wild” place. There are many things in the universe that are still beyond the reach of human knowledge. One of the objects in the universe that always attracts attention because it is considered extreme, strange, and “scary” is black hole or black hole. Black hole is … Read more

5 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer You Must Know

5 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer You Must Know – Breast cancer is a cancer that is experienced by many women, although a small proportion of men can also suffer from this type of cancer. The causes can be various factors, ranging from an unhealthy lifestyle, DNA damage, to genetic mutations. Several risk factors breast cancer it is inevitable, but maintaining health must … Read more

Heri’s Story of 4 Years Being a Porang Farmer, Reaching Hundreds of Million Each Harvest and Can Control Prices Page all

Heri’s Story of 4 Years Being a Porang Farmer, Reaching Hundreds of Million Each Harvest and Can Control Prices Page all

BLORA, – Plant person is now becoming a prima donna in society. Heriyanto, a native Porang farmer Blora, Central Java, said that the benefits obtained in planting porang are very large. In one harvest, he is able to reap profits of up to hundreds of millions of rupiah. It depends on the area of … Read more