Isabel Perelló is already a mirror for many women in the Justice system

Isabel Perelló is already a mirror for many women in the Justice system

The recent appointment of Isabel Perelló as president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the High Court (TS) has marked a milestone in the history of Spanish justice. For the first time, a woman will preside over the highest judicial body in the country. This opens a debate on the still scarce … Read more

Progressive judge Isabel Perelló elected new president of the Judiciary

Progressive judge Isabel Perelló elected new president of the Judiciary

Supreme Court judge Isabel Perelló will be the next president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) after obtaining 16 of the 20 votes of the plenary session. A little over a month after taking office, the twenty new members have finally reached an agreement and have agreed that the magistrate of the High … Read more