99 Million Year Old Spider Fossil Found, Researchers Reveal Stupid Actions Of Spider Mother To Her Children – All Pages

99 Million Year Old Spider Fossil Found, Researchers Reveal Stupid Actions Of Spider Mother To Her Children – All Pages

GridPop.ID – Recently a researcher has found fossil paw-paw estimated to be 99 million years old. Surprising, when fossil It was found by the researcher, said the parent paw-paw take good care of her children. Which one is mom paw-paw holding the egg sac with paw-paw small inside, that’s the position paw-paw females keep eggs. … Read more

Scientists reveal the mystery of the existence of Martians who formed giant spider patterns after 20 years of study

Scientists reveal the mystery of the existence of Martians who formed giant spider patterns after 20 years of study

PR DEPOK – Mystery regarding the alleged existence occupant Mars to form a formation like like paw-paw giants on the surface of the red planet, finally revealed after 20 years of scientists studying it. Previously, the strange pattern referred to as “paw-paw of Mars“Captured by satellite images of the red planet’s south pole. These findings, … Read more

The Mystery of the ‘Spider’ on Mars Finally Revealed, What Is It?

The Mystery of the ‘Spider’ on Mars Finally Revealed, What Is It?

At the time, they hypothesized that spiders on Mars could form in the spring, when sunlight penetrates a translucent layer of dry ice and heats the soil beneath. Researchers suspect that this heating causes the ice to sublimate from the surface, creating pressure under the ice until it finally cracks and creates a spider pattern … Read more

Who would have thought, spider venom could overcome erectile dysfunction

Who would have thought, spider venom could overcome erectile dysfunction

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com – A group of researchers from Brazil claims that spider venom is more effective in treating erectile dysfunction than Viagra. Launching Suara.com, they wrote in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The poison itself is taken from one of the most venomous spiders in the world, the Brazilian Wandering Spider. The spider belongs to the … Read more