Beware that tingling in your hands or feet can be a sign of high cholesterol, here’s how to overcome it

Beware that tingling in your hands or feet can be a sign of high cholesterol, here’s how to overcome it

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Who is this healthy friend who often feels tingling in his hands or feet? This condition is usually caused by high levels of cholesterol in the body. Because it thickens blood flow and affects the normal flow of nerves. High cholesterol is a type of lipid compound, a waxy substance, like fat, naturally … Read more

Warning of 6 deadly diseases that come with the cold

Warning of 6 deadly diseases that come with the cold

You can see that for the last 2-3 days the wind has been blowing quite hard and cold weather significantly chilled Making body temperature regulate rapidly resulting in illness more easily Especially in young children or the elderly. Be especially careful today. Comchadluek online will lead you to know 6 pathology Comes with the cold … Read more

What would life be like without bacteria? The expert gives an answer

What would life be like without bacteria?  The expert gives an answer

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Bacteria has a significant impact on human life. Without it, life goes on Land it will be destroyed. At first glance, the bacterium often gets a bad reputation because it is accused of being the cause of various diseases. Without bacteria, humans would be happy for a while because the loss … Read more