Opioid Fears: Codeine, Tramadol & the Risks

Opioid Fears: Codeine, Tramadol & the Risks

Prescription Opioid⁤ Changes⁣ in France: Implications‍ for the U.S. Table of Contents Prescription Opioid⁤ Changes⁣ in France: Implications‍ for the U.S. Understanding Opioid Risks ​and Responsible ⁣Pain management Acute Pain vs. Chronic Pain: When‌ Are Opioids Appropriate? Seeking Safe⁣ and Effective Pain Relief The Hidden Dangers Lurking ‌in Your Medicine‌ Cabinet: Understanding Opioid Addiction The … Read more

Maguelone, 50, Wins Battle Against Tongue Cancer

Maguelone, 50, Wins Battle Against Tongue Cancer

unexpected Diagnosis: A Mother’s⁤ Journey Through Tongue Cancer Table of Contents unexpected Diagnosis: A Mother’s⁤ Journey Through Tongue Cancer navigating Tongue Cancer: A Conversation with Dr. Amelia Greene Understanding Tongue Cancer Early Detection: A Crucial Key Treatment Options and Advancements The ​Emotional Impact ‍and Support Message of Hope and Resilience For ​Maguelone Aribaud, a⁣ 48-year-old … Read more

MIT Applicant’s Blunt Essay Goes Viral: “I Want to Be a Scientist

MIT Applicant’s Blunt Essay Goes Viral: “I Want to Be a Scientist

Victor Ambros, the 2024 Nobel prize laureate in Medicine, took a unique approach‍ to ⁤his‌ MIT request essay. instead of crafting a‍ lengthy, elaborate piece, he opted for a single,‌ powerful sentence: “I want to ‍be a scientist.” This bold move, as Ambros recounted in an interview with EFE agency, stemmed from his desire to … Read more

the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

At the end of October, the HAS refused “early” access to Biogen’s Qalsody, indicated in a rare genetic form of the pathology, which aroused the anger of patients. On October 25, the opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) had the effect of a cold shower for patients suffering from a rare form of … Read more

a more effective and less toxic treatment is proven in the United States

a more effective and less toxic treatment is proven in the United States

DECRYPTION – A clinical trial shows the benefits of combining immunotherapy and chemotherapy against this cancer which occurs half of the time before the age of 35. But the American experience will not be directly applicable to France, because the reference protocol is different. For the American doctorsit is a “practice changing” study: its results, … Read more

Does my child have ADHD? The High Authority of Health provides a unique guide to improve diagnosis

Does my child have ADHD? The High Authority of Health provides a unique guide to improve diagnosis

Reserved for subscribers There is no lower age limit for observing suggestive symptoms, according to the High Authority of Health. However, “Before the age of 5 years, it is recommended to be even more cautious before making the diagnosis, due to developmental variability.” children. New Africa / stock.adobe.com 5% of children are affected by attention … Read more

Research into the effects of physical exercise on metastatic breast cancer

Research into the effects of physical exercise on metastatic breast cancer

The latest international evidence-based guidelines include recommendations on physical exercise both during and after curative cancer treatment to reduce side effects. However, these same guidelines acknowledge that, in the context of metastatic breast cancer (MBC), evidence of the effects of physical activity is lacking. The latest international evidence-based guidelines include recommendations on physical exercise both … Read more

Can Coffee Help Counteract Type 2 Diabetes? Evidence and Effects

Can Coffee Help Counteract Type 2 Diabetes? Evidence and Effects

Coffee is a natural ally that can help counteract the diabetes type 2. Thanks to its rich mixture of bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, it would be able to positively influence glucose metabolism and antioxidant processes. Evidence also recently confirmed by a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, on the occasion of World Diabetes Day … Read more

5 causes of diabetes mellitus aka diabetes young people must read

5 causes of diabetes mellitus aka diabetes young people must read

Loading… The 5 causes of diabetes in this article should be known to young people, because now many young people suffer from diabetes mellitus. / Photo: illustration/Freepik JAKARTA – 5 Reason diabetes in this article should be known to young people. The reason is that diabetes mellitus is currently being experienced by many young people. … Read more

Alert ! Coral decimated by new disease in Thailand

Alert !  Coral decimated by new disease in Thailand

Antonio Kaczmarek 1 hour ago 4 mins The so-called ‘yellow streak’ disease is threatening corals in the Gulf of Thailand, here in the Surin Islands Nature Park. This is more bad news for marine biodiversity: in the Gulf of Thailand, a mysterious disease attacks the coral. Responsible for large yellow spots that cover entire sections … Read more