Nawal Al Zoghbi exploded a surprise: My son is a hotel room employee, and this is his wages!

Nawal Al Zoghbi exploded a surprise: My son is a hotel room employee, and this is his wages!

Sourceagencies The Lebanese actress, Nawal Al Zoghbi, revealed her son’s job for the first time, as she said that he works in a drowning service in a hotel, and receives a salary of $300. This statement, which was shown by the Lebanese “LBCI” channel, sparked a great controversy on social media, as everyone was surprised … Read more

After the death of his son… Will George Wassouf retire?

After the death of his son… Will George Wassouf retire?

Journalist Nishan Der Haroutyunian denied the news about singer George Wassouf’s intention to retire after the death of his son Wadih. And he made it clear in an interview via Al-Jadeed that Wassouf is not about to retire, but he needs time to overcome the shock of the departure of his eldest son, who was … Read more

Diet: We will participate in the cabinet session to discuss the electricity item only

Diet: We will participate in the cabinet session to discuss the electricity item only

The Minister of Public Works and Transport, Ali Hamiyah, confirmed via MTV that we will participate in the next cabinet to discuss the electricity item only. Regarding the Kafr Qahal incident, he said: “We certainly condemn this incident, and the prestige of the state is the basis, and what the Minister of Interior and the … Read more

In the video a patrol of the security forces was expelled and Bkerke insulted: “We have brigades with 3,000 fighters who will kill you”.

In the video a patrol of the security forces was expelled and Bkerke insulted: “We have brigades with 3,000 fighters who will kill you”.

A video circulated on social media showing members of the Internal Security Forces subjected to insults, threats, obscene and sectarian rhetoric from which the Maronite Patriarchate of Bkerke was not spared, due to the repression of a violation in Tripoli. The attacker said, “Did I sell you from early in the morning? Did I come … Read more

8 benefits of lemon water in the morning, helps freshen breath and prevent kidney stones

8 benefits of lemon water in the morning, helps freshen breath and prevent kidney stones

Illustration of lemon water. Shutterstock/iravgustin – Small changes in our routine can have a big impact on our health. A simple example is consuming air lemon the morning. Because besides being refreshing, there are also benefits of lemon water in the morning. Lemon water is truly a much loved drink. This drink will be … Read more

Berri: Lebanon is not America… | phalanx

Berri: Lebanon is not America… |  phalanx

Source: Republic Circles close to the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri told Al-Jumhuriya that “the winner of the presidency of the House of Representatives in the United States of America represents half of Americans because he did not get the votes of the Democrats.” I was wondering if this experience is suitable for Lebanon? He … Read more

Zero solutions to the crisis: Miqati binds the electricity loan to the session… Berri awaits the options of the presidential current

Zero solutions to the crisis: Miqati binds the electricity loan to the session… Berri awaits the options of the presidential current

Source: greater He came in “Major General”: The interim government headed by Najib Mikati operates according to the old saying: “Work for this world as if you were to live forever, and work for the hereafter as if you were to die tomorrow.” This was evident from the relentless quest to pass the Capital Control … Read more

The first political week of 2023: a European investigation into corruption… and a presidential separation between party and movement

The first political week of 2023: a European investigation into corruption… and a presidential separation between party and movement

The race has begun to intensify with the arrival in Beirut today of a European judicial delegation from France, Germany and Luxembourg to investigate bank executives and possibly owners and employees on charges of corruption and financial transfers from Lebanese banks abroad between the European and Lebanese judiciaries, in conjunction with a new expected confusion … Read more

Tomorrow’s constitutional surprise… and the request for a criminal investigation with the energy ministers

Tomorrow’s constitutional surprise… and the request for a criminal investigation with the energy ministers

Source: principal On the fourth day of the first month of the year, the fifth crisis, the scene began to recede and expand, like the tides, under the influence of the change in air temperature and the blowing of cold and warm winds. On the one hand, the majority of Lebanese expatriates are preparing to … Read more

Watch..a group of “male and female artists” performing a concert during Riyadh’s season activities, “Trio Night”

Watch..a group of “male and female artists” performing a concert during Riyadh’s season activities, “Trio Night”

Al-Marsad newspaper: The official account of the “Riyadh Season” events documented the participation of numerous artists, men and women, from various Arab countries, to revive the “Trio Night” concert at the Mohammed Abdo Theater in Riyadh, in the last hours of 2022. The account posted a series of images of the artists, “Wael Kfoury, Angham, … Read more