Why does the price of gasoline increase with a VAT increase? Purra answers – 2024-04-17 08:29:25

Why does the price of gasoline increase with a VAT increase?  Purra answers
 – 2024-04-17 08:29:25

On Tuesday, the government told about its austerity measures and tax extortions at a press conference. The ministers justified their actions by reducing the debt ratio. The government decided on adjustments of around three billion euros in a budget scramble, about half of which will be implemented through tax increases and half through cuts. Prime … Read more

Frederik’s leg cut off – 2024-04-17 08:28:16

Frederik’s leg cut off
 – 2024-04-17 08:28:16

Frederik’s health problems continue. Petri Anikari The health concerns of Iskelmätähti Frederik, 79, only continue. Frederik arrived in Finland from the Canary Islands at the beginning of the week. He had to fly to Finland via Turku. From Turku, the journey continued to Helsinki along the railway tracks. – We got out of the taxi … Read more

There is a “common tone” within the government about cutting pensions – 2024-04-16 02:15:10

There is a “common tone” within the government about cutting pensions
 – 2024-04-16 02:15:10

Petteri Orpo’s (kok) government’s two-day frame-up began on Monday at the State party apartment in Smolna. Prime minister Petteri Orpon (kok) says there is a common tone in the government about cutting pensions. According to preliminary information, the taxation of pensions is getting tighter. However, it is done in such a way that the smallest … Read more

Sanna Marini’s hairdresser boyfriend left his job – 2024-04-14 03:06:06

Sanna Marini’s hairdresser boyfriend left his job
 – 2024-04-14 03:06:06

Sanna Marin’s partner has founded a new company. Sanna Marin alone represented the Emma gala on the red carpet. Atte Kajova The man from Helsinki known as Sanna Marin’s hairdresser lover, 38, has left his former job. From the company ties found under the man’s name, it appears that he has quit the company’s CEO … Read more

Pensions must be cut” – The opposition criticized the government for cutting pensions – 2024-04-12 15:31:13

Pensions must be cut” – The opposition criticized the government for cutting pensions
 – 2024-04-12 15:31:13

The opposition toughened the government in the last questioning hour before the framework tussle at the beginning of the week. An answer was demanded from the Minister of Finance on how to cut pensions. SDP member of parliament Kimmo Kiljunen opened the pension debate in the parliament’s question hour, where the opposition demanded answers from … Read more

Åland “refuses” to arm itself against Russia – 2024-04-12 05:34:41

Åland “refuses” to arm itself against Russia
 – 2024-04-12 05:34:41

In the Russian media, Åland’s Parliament Speaker Jörgen Pettersson’s reminder of the province’s demilitarization was interpreted as a refusal to arm itself against Russia. The Russian media complain about the Åland people’s “decision” not to arm themselves against Russia. The news is based on a statement made by the Speaker of the Åland Parliament, Jörgen … Read more

Riikka Purra saw an anthill – Professor: “Pretty extraordinary” – 2024-04-11 04:16:27

Riikka Purra saw an anthill – Professor: “Pretty extraordinary”
 – 2024-04-11 04:16:27

According to political history professor Markku Jokisipilä, it is too early to assess how the governing parties will fare in the future parliamentary elections. However, it is safe to bet that the pension debate will hardly increase the support of the governing parties. According to Finance Minister Riikka Purra (ps), pension cuts could be implemented, … Read more

Intermittent question from the opposition about the demolition of hospitals – 2024-04-10 18:36:05

Intermittent question from the opposition about the demolition of hospitals
 – 2024-04-10 18:36:05

Five opposition parties will present the content of the midterm question in the parliament on Thursday morning. The first signatory of the interim question is SDP MP Kim Berg. KIMMO HAAPALA All the opposition parties together leave the government with an interim question about the running down of hospitals. SDP, the center, the Greens, the … Read more

Finland’s nuclear energy controversy – MPs on different lines – 2024-04-09 23:01:31

Finland’s nuclear energy controversy – MPs on different lines
 – 2024-04-09 23:01:31

According to Jussi Saramo of the Left League, Finland should not start changing the law with conditions. The representatives of the centre, fundamental Finns and the coalition have a different opinion. In the opinion of Jussi Saramo, the chairman of the parliamentary group of the Left Alliance, Finland’s current nuclear energy law should not be … Read more