Bringing People with Parkinson’s Together: A Special Dinner Event by Care Organization Lentis

Bringing People with Parkinson’s Together: A Special Dinner Event by Care Organization Lentis

Afraid to put a spoon to your mouth and make a mess? For people with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, eating out is no longer always a matter of course. Shame sometimes plays a role here. Herman Overberg of care organization Lentis came up with the idea of ​​organizing a dinner, especially for people with Parkinson’s. … Read more

Annmarie O’Connor and the Irish Examiner release Living Your Best Life: A Parkinson’s Podcast series, featuring Parkinson’s patients, carers, and specialists in Ireland.

Annmarie O’Connor and the Irish Examiner release Living Your Best Life: A Parkinson’s Podcast series, featuring Parkinson’s patients, carers, and specialists in Ireland.

When life gets tough, we often turn to our passions for comfort and solace. For Jerome Maume, that passion is singing. But more than just a hobby, singing has become a powerful tool for Maume to maintain a positive outlook and live his best life. In an exclusive interview with Annmarie O’Connor, Maume shares how … Read more