Universal Charging Adapter: Mcdodo CP-3471 – Charge Your Devices Anywhere in the World

Universal Charging Adapter: Mcdodo CP-3471 – Charge Your Devices Anywhere in the World

₲ 274.000 $ 33.00 TAX ​​FREE * * Price in U$ under Tourism Regime, Values ​​do not include VAT (mandatory tax for residents of Paraguay) * Price in US$ under tourism regime, Values ​​do not include VAT (mandatory tax for residents of Paraguay) This Mcdodo CP-3471 universal charging adapter allows you to charge your mobile … Read more

The story of Santiago Peña, a genuine product of the co-optation power of the Colorado Party | The son of an Argentine, he was an IMF official and will take over as president of Paraguay

The story of Santiago Peña, a genuine product of the co-optation power of the Colorado Party |  The son of an Argentine, he was an IMF official and will take over as president of Paraguay

Paraguay did not join the second wave of progressive governments in the region, which, with nuances, was the most visible trend since the triumphs of Gustavo Petro and Lula in Colombia and Brazil. At most, Santiago Peña’s will try to give a patina of modernization and good manners to a historic force with strong conservative … Read more

“Paraguay Elections 2018: Almost Five Million Paraguayans Vote for Future President Using Electronic System”

“Paraguay Elections 2018: Almost Five Million Paraguayans Vote for Future President Using Electronic System”

Paraguay. Almost five million Paraguayans are enabled to vote this Sunday for the first time with an electronic system for the future presidentin elections that will define whether they maintain the status quo of the historic Colorado Party – which governed 65 of the last 69 years – or seek to bring about a change … Read more

Paraguayan canola: growing demand and great planting capacity in the country

Paraguayan canola: growing demand and great planting capacity in the country

Within the framework of a training on the care and news of Canola in Paraguay, the agronomist Nilson Osterlein, responsible for research and technical advice to producers of the CW Trading firm, gave a technical talk addressed to producers who attended the expo Agroshow Copronar and I also spoke with Valor Agro about the scope … Read more