Malek Jaziri honored by the ATP for his exceptional career

Malek Jaziri honored by the ATP for his exceptional career

Malek Jaziri honored by the ATP for his exceptional career On November 19, 2023, the tennis world greeted Malek Jaziri, an emblematic figure of Tunisian tennis, during his official retirement. Jaziri, who began his career in 2004, announced his retirement in May after an illustrious career spanning two decades. During this period, he played 1064 … Read more

The Best Natural Oils for Healthy and Shiny Hair: Coconut, Argan, Olive, Castor, Avocado, and Jojoba Oil

The Best Natural Oils for Healthy and Shiny Hair: Coconut, Argan, Olive, Castor, Avocado, and Jojoba Oil

Părul sănătos și strălucitor este un indicator al⁢ unei stări generale bune de sănătate,⁤ dar și al îngrijirii corespunzătoare. Printre aliații noștri cei mai de nădejde în această privință se numără uleiurile naturale. Iată care sunt cele mai eficiente uleiuri pentru îngrijirea părului, fie că dorești să stimulezi creșterea acestuia, să combați mătreața sau pur … Read more

Lifezone Metals Enters New York Stock Exchange, Accelerating Tanzania’s Battery-Grade Nickel Production

Lifezone Metals Enters New York Stock Exchange, Accelerating Tanzania’s Battery-Grade Nickel Production

(Ecofin Agency) – In Tanzania, the first battery-grade nickel production plant will start supplying the international market by 2026. It will be supplied with ore by the Kabanga project, piloted by Lifezone Metals, which has just reached an important milestone. . Lifezone Metals, a company active in Tanzania on the Kabanga nickel project, has entered … Read more

UFC-Que Choisir: The Forum for Consumers

UFC-Que Choisir: The Forum for Consumers

bonjour, concerns the property sold in 2017 (deceased sister estate, the death insurance of the property reimbursed the balance of the mortgage to the bank. I inherit the property, I sell it, the notary is responsible for making the sale and paying the costs inheritance to the public treasury and I receive the money from … Read more

Ethiopian Airlines announces the resumption of direct flights between Abidjan and New York

Ethiopian Airlines announces the resumption of direct flights between Abidjan and New York

(Ecofin Agency) – Suspended due to Covid-19, direct services between New York and Abidjan provided by Ethiopian Airlines will be open again now that the health crisis has subsided. Ethiopian Airlines will resume direct services between Félix Houphouët-Boigny airports in Abidjan and John F. Kennedy airports in New York as of May 29, 2023. Flights … Read more

German report outlines how Chinese telecom companies are moving into the heart of African governance

German report outlines how Chinese telecom companies are moving into the heart of African governance

(Agence Ecofin) – Megatrends Afrika believes that the strong presence of telecommunications companies from the Middle Kingdom in Africa contributes to improving connectivity and reducing the digital divide on the continent, but generates new challenges . While bringing economic opportunity, the growing engagement of Chinese telecommunications companies in Africa poses risks related to digital sovereignty, … Read more