House of the Dead: a new film on the way?

House of the Dead: a new film on the way?

Not much is known about the project yet Those nostalgic for arcades will certainly remember The House of the DeadSega’s iconic horror shooter. For those unfamiliar, this game contributed to redefine the zombie genrebringing mutant creatures that ran to the screen, an innovation for its time. Along with titles like Resident Evilthis series has therefore … Read more

Many viruses in circulation: Cold wave on the way – Why fear of Corona is not appropriate – Circle

Many viruses in circulation: Cold wave on the way – Why fear of Corona is not appropriate – Circle

Wer Symptome hat, soll eine Maske tragen, lautet der Appell. Foto: dpa/Daniel Karmann Im Kreis Esslingen melden sich derzeit mehr Menschen krank. Corona oder ein grippaler Infekt? Das spiele keine Rolle mehr, sagt ein Sprecher der Kreisärzteschaft Esslingen. Die Pandemie ist vorüber, verschwunden ist das Corona-Virus deshalb nicht. Im Herbst und Winter infizieren sich wieder mehr … Read more

Libro Corona pandemic in Germany. Contact bans and daycare. Closure for children aged 2-6 (en De Anonym

Libro Corona pandemic in Germany. Contact bans and daycare. Closure for children aged 2-6 (en De Anonym

Corona pandemic in Germany. Contact bans and daycare. Closing for children aged 2-6 years (in English) Reseña del libro “Corona pandemic in Germany. Contact bans and daycare centers. Closure for children aged 2-6 (in English)” Bachelor’s thesis from 2020 in the field of sociology – children and youth, grade: 2.0, medium-sized university of applied sciences, … Read more

Scientists discover that the covid pandemic reached the Moon

Scientists discover that the covid pandemic reached the Moon

Could there be a link between the covid pandemic and the Moon? In any case, scientists at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, India, have carried out a surprising studywhich shows a drop in the surface temperature of the Moon, our natural satellite, right during this historic pandemic. These scientists analyzed the data of temperature … Read more

Lawsuit against German Corona aid fails before the ECJ

Lawsuit against German Corona aid fails before the ECJ

Lawsuits from the fashion retailer Breuninger and the clothing manufacturer Falke against German Corona aid for companies have finally failed. On Friday in Luxembourg, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed the corresponding judgments of the lower court, the General Court of the European Union. Breuninger and Falke find that the fixed cost aid decided … Read more

Corona study: This is how a Covid-19 infection damages our brain | Life & Knowledge

Corona study: This is how a Covid-19 infection damages our brain | Life & Knowledge

Four and a half years after the outbreak of the pandemic, many people’s fear of Corona has subsided. But the virus is and will remain with us. British researchers have now investigated how an infection can affect our brain. The results are alarming! Read also “After hospitalization for Covid-19, many people report persistent cognitive symptoms, … Read more

Consequences of the pandemic: Patient protectors: “Sad play” about dealing with Corona

Consequences of the pandemic: Patient protectors: “Sad play” about dealing with Corona

The German Foundation for Patient Protection accuses the traffic light of turning the planned Corona investigation into a “tragedy”. «It’s not a bad thing to make mistakes. The only bad thing is not wanting to learn from mistakes,” said board member Eugen Brysch to the German Press Agency in Berlin. News Z+ (subscription content); Hospital … Read more

Corona is now comparable to normal flu

Corona is now comparable to normal flu

According to virologist Christian Drosten, corona disease can now be compared to normal flu. This is because “the population is largely vaccinated and most people have been infected several times,” Drosten told the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Weekend). At the beginning of the pandemic, such a comparison, which came from individual voices, was a clear misjudgment. The … Read more

The district administrator gives her 998 employees a thank you concert

The district administrator gives her 998 employees a thank you concert

The musical range of the thank-you concerts by Uckermark district administrator Karina Dörk (CDU) ranges from the famous prisoner choir from the opera “Nabucco” to James Bond’s “Skyfall”. This tradition was founded in 2021 during the times of the corona pandemic. The district administrator thanked the “heroes of the pandemic” for their special commitment with … Read more

Virologist Christian Drosten: Corona is as dangerous as the flu | Life & Knowledge

Virologist Christian Drosten: Corona is as dangerous as the flu | Life & Knowledge

Even four and a half years after the outbreak of the pandemic, there are still reports of new, presumably more dangerous corona variants. But now someone who was previously considered one of the biggest virus warnings has given the all-clear! Virologist Christian Drosten (52) now only considers Corona to be as dangerous as flu viruses. … Read more