‘Chronic inflammation’ causes diabetes… What are the typical foods that cause ‘inflammation’?

‘Chronic inflammation’ causes diabetes…  What are the typical foods that cause ‘inflammation’?

Inflammation is a type of body’s immune response, a natural phenomenon that occurs during the body’s recovery process. Such acute inflammation is good inflammation that protects our body, but chronic inflammation is different. Chronic inflammation travels around the body through blood vessels and damages our body. Inflammation is a type of body immune responseㅣSource: Clip … Read more

NALIRIFOX Drug Combination Breaks Through in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

NALIRIFOX Drug Combination Breaks Through in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the eighth tumor with the highest incidence in Spain, but it is one of the tumors with the worst prognosis five years after diagnosis. The lack of improvement in survival and the increase in the incidence of this tumor have made the predictions situate … Pancreatic cancer is the eighth tumor with … Read more

Successful Testing of the Artificial Pancreas on 26 Diabetic Volunteers • Al Marsad Newspaper

Successful Testing of the Artificial Pancreas on 26 Diabetic Volunteers • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: British doctors succeeded in testing an artificial pancreas to stabilize the level of sugar and insulin in the body of 26 volunteers with type 2 diabetes. The artificial pancreas, which was tested in Britain, constantly monitors the change in the concentration of sugar in the patient’s body, and determines the amount of insulin … Read more

A citizen tells the story of having his pancreas removed without his knowledge in a hospital in Arar • Al Marsad newspaper

A citizen tells the story of having his pancreas removed without his knowledge in a hospital in Arar • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Citizen Muhammad Al-Subaie recounted the details of his pancreas removal without his knowledge at a hospital in Arar. He said during an interview with the channel “Gulf Rotana”: “My story dates back to 2016. I have diabetes and the consequences of the disease led to my kidney failure. I traveled to one of … Read more