Cleaning and protection of the public space in Paleo Faliro – 2024-08-05 08:23:04

Cleaning and protection of the public space in Paleo Faliro
 – 2024-08-05 08:23:04

In recent clean-up operations, the Municipality’s crews removed 65 tons of rubble that had been illegally dumped in open areas of the beach front. The cleanings in plots and areas of the municipality, as well as in areas that require cooperation with the Region and neighboring Municipalities, are permanent. The goal is to protect the … Read more

Prohibition of gatherings tomorrow in Paleo Faliro – 2024-07-08 05:17:27

Prohibition of gatherings tomorrow in Paleo Faliro
 – 2024-07-08 05:17:27

EL.AS introduced the ban on public gatherings in Paleo Faliro. for tomorrow Saturday after the rally name for the “1st Delight Household, by the nationalist group “El Hero” and the announcement of anti-fascist organizations for a counter-gathering within the space. In line with the police assertion, the ban from 12 midday to 12 midnight was … Read more