Experts remind the dangers of osteoporosis that are often not realized

Experts remind the dangers of osteoporosis that are often not realized

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist dr. Ricky Edwin Pandapotan Hutapea, Sp.OT (K) warned of the dangers of osteoporosis which is a hidden disease of bone loss.silent disease) where the signs and symptoms are not noticed. “This disease can be said silent disease because the patient usually does not feel any complaints, until one … Read more

Prevent Osteoporosis with These 3 Foods

Prevent Osteoporosis with These 3 Foods

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Osteoporosis associated with bone loss and increased risk of fracture. You gradually begin to lose bone mass from the age of 35. Yogurt To help minimize risk porous bones, experts recommend the consumption of yogurt. Scientific modeling by the British Nutrition Foundation found adding yogurt daily can contribute to much-needed calcium levels. … Read more

Beware of porous bones, what are the symptoms? Check Here

Beware of porous bones, what are the symptoms?  Check Here

Jakarta – Osteoporosis is a condition when bones experience brittleness, causing bones to become porous easily. In the world, there are 200 million people who suffer from osteoporosis. The number continues to grow. In Indonesia, two out of five Indonesians are known to be at risk of developing osteoporosis. As many as 8.9 million cases … Read more

Know the 3 diseases that are most common in women nczp | FAMILY

Know the 3 diseases that are most common in women nczp |  FAMILY

Although many diseases affect both men and womenThere are some that are more common and tend to be more serious in them. Given this reality, it is important to prioritize health care, stay informed and alert to possible symptoms. Remember to prioritize Health it is important to detect any evil in time. The medical director … Read more

Discovered an unexpected side effect for women who drink tea at least 4 times a week

Discovered an unexpected side effect for women who drink tea at least 4 times a week

It improves mood, awakens metabolism, stimulates kidney functions, aids in digestion and reduces blood sugar levels: these are just some of the beneficial effects of tea. But not everyone knows that drinking it regularly also helps prevent a serious health problem associated with it menopause. A new studio published in the journal European Journal of … Read more

Study: Drinking 3 cups of milk a day may make your bones more brittle.

Study: Drinking 3 cups of milk a day may make your bones more brittle.

Some believe that drinking a lot of milk helps maintain bone strength, because milk and its derivatives are concentrated sources of calcium, and we know that calcium strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis, but a Swedish study revealed that excessive consumption of milk – three or more cups a day – Not only was it associated … Read more