LS Mtron to Invest 50 Billion Won in New Orbital Factory in Wanju by 2026

LS Mtron to Invest 50 Billion Won in New Orbital Factory in Wanju by 2026

▲ Jeonbuk Governor Kim Kwan-young (second from the left), LS Mtron Special Business Department Director Choi Young-cheol (third from the left) and officials are taking a commemorative photo at the investment agreement ceremony held in the Jeonbuk Autonomous Provincial Office conference room on January 24, 2024. < LS엠트론 > [비즈니스포스트] LS Mtron will build a … Read more

Meet Enas Khodri: The Saudi Woman Who Cooks for 2,000 Pilgrims During Hajj

Meet Enas Khodri: The Saudi Woman Who Cooks for 2,000 Pilgrims During Hajj

Saudi Woman Shares Emotional Journey of Cooking for Pilgrims During Hajj In a heartfelt account, a Saudi woman who cooks for 2,000 people a day during the Hajj pilgrimage shared her experience and the challenges she faces in the world of cooking. Enas Khodri, a chef during the Hajj season of 1444 AH, opened up … Read more

2023 FW13: The False Moon That Has Been Orbiting Earth for Over 2,000 Years

2023 FW13: The False Moon That Has Been Orbiting Earth for Over 2,000 Years

Monday, 5 June 2023 – 16:05 WIB LIVE Techno – A “false moon” has been found near Earth and has apparently followed Earth around the sun for over 2,000 years. Given the catchy name of 2023 FW13, the rock is basically “fake moon” and is about 14 million kilometers from Earth. Scientists first discovered the … Read more

“Earth’s Orbit: How it Affects Distance from the Sun and Potential Consequences”

“Earth’s Orbit: How it Affects Distance from the Sun and Potential Consequences”

Jakarta – So far we only realize that the Earth orbits according to its trajectory and is at a distance from the Sun. But what if the Earth is farther from the Sun? In fact, the distance from the Sun to Earth is not static. The sun actually gets farther from Earth over time. According … Read more

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight Cubesat Mission Stopped After Failing to Reach Orbit

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight Cubesat Mission Stopped After Failing to Reach Orbit

Wednesday, 17 May 2023 – 11:07 WIB LIVE Techno – NASA or the United States Aeronautics and Space Agency officially stopped looking for hidden ice on the surface of the crater at the South Pole of the Moon after the Lunar Flashlight Cubesat, which carried out a mission that failed miserably alias gatot, generated enough … Read more

“Why the Inner Planets of the Solar System Haven’t Collided: Scientists Explain”

“Why the Inner Planets of the Solar System Haven’t Collided: Scientists Explain” – Scientists say that the orbits of the planets of the inner solar system that include Earth should have collided with each other a long time ago, but that has not happened until recently. It should be noted that the inner solar system in question includes four planets namely Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. … Read more

Rogue Planet Can Cause Earth to Experience Doomsday

Rogue Planet Can Cause Earth to Experience Doomsday

Saturday, March 11 2023 – 16:02 WIB LIVE Techno – The presence of an extra planet in our Solar System caused by Mars and Jupiter can disrupt the orbit and will make the end of life on Earth. This is the conclusion of experimental simulations conducted by planetary astrophysicist Stephen Kane of the University of … Read more

The Enormity of the Asteroid Impact Made the Dinosaurs Extinct, How Big were They?

The Enormity of the Asteroid Impact Made the Dinosaurs Extinct, How Big were They?

Jakarta – Earth is the safest planet for humans to live in compared to other planets. But you need to know, a large asteroid once hit Earth to destroy the life of the dinosaurs. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was home to one of the most popular organisms in history, the dinosaurs. … Read more