Hungarian Parliament Approves Creation of Agency to Track Activities Threatening Sovereignty

Hungarian Parliament Approves Creation of Agency to Track Activities Threatening Sovereignty

AFPViktor Orbán NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 22:53 The Hungarian parliament has approved the creation of an agency to track activities that would harm Hungary’s sovereignty. The bill that regulates this came from Prime Minister Orbán’s right-wing populist ruling party Fidesz. That party believes the law is necessary to combat “inappropriate political interference by foreign persons or groups”. … Read more

Soviet Tankers’ Memorial in Hungary Ignites Controversy and Historical Reminders

Title: Restoration of Soviet Tankers Memorial in Hungary Sparks Controversy and Reminds of Historical Events Date: June 20, 2023 Author: Svyatoslav Rybalchenko In a recent event in Hungary, a memorial dedicated to Soviet tankers who died during World War II was restored and ceremoniously reopened. However, this restoration has sparked controversy and reminded the public … Read more

Moldovan President Refuses Hand Kiss from Hungarian Prime Minister at European Summit in Chisinau

Moldovan President Refuses Hand Kiss from Hungarian Prime Minister at European Summit in Chisinau

The President of Moldova showed a principled position when she met the head of the Hungarian government at the summit in Chisinau. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who opposes arms sales to Ukraine and often blocks EU anti-Russian sanctions, got into an awkward situation at a summit of European leaders in Chisinau when Moldovan President … Read more