Learn by doing and explore the IP development and operation cases of well-known sports brands. MBA from Beijing Sport University visited Manchester United Dream Theater_History_Football_Culture

Learn by doing and explore the IP development and operation cases of well-known sports brands. MBA from Beijing Sport University visited Manchester United Dream Theater_History_Football_Culture

Original title: Learning by doing, exploring cases of well-known sports brand IP development and operation. MBA from Beijing Sport University visited Manchester United Dream Theater On November 23, 2023, the first batch of Beijing Sport University MBA students went to the Manchester United Dream Theater to experience the football culture and philosophy of the century-old … Read more

Pablo Andújar, the Spaniard who beat Federer after six elbow operations: “I told my wife that I couldn’t take it anymore”

Pablo Andújar, the Spaniard who beat Federer after six elbow operations: “I told my wife that I couldn’t take it anymore”

Valencia.- On May 18, 2021, Pablo Andújar achieved one of the most impressive victories of his career. He beat Roger Federer in Switzerland, to the teacher in his home. But that’s not the only reason it was special. A few years before, In April 2017, Andújar was fed up, heading to the operating room for … Read more

Severe Storm Causes Rail Disruptions and Power Outages in North Rhine-Westphalia

Severe Storm Causes Rail Disruptions and Power Outages in North Rhine-Westphalia

In rail traffic, the regions of Euskirchen, Remscheid, Mönchengladbach/Viersen, Dorsten, Dortmund and Soest/Werl were affected by trees on tracks and objects in the overhead lines. The closures continued on some routes in the morning. There could be restrictions on several dozen lines, the railway companies reported in the information portal zuginfo.nrw this morning. Stormy weather … Read more

Traders banned from using incorrect scales in Kazakhstan

Traders banned from using incorrect scales in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, the list of measurements related to state regulation has been supplemented with measurements of the mass of goods during trade and commercial operations, reports Azattyq Grooves with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration. “In other words, now every retail outlet will have to carry out an annual … Read more

Study Shows Female Surgeons Outperform Male Surgeons in Canada: NOS/Jeroen van Eijndhoven

Study Shows Female Surgeons Outperform Male Surgeons in Canada: NOS/Jeroen van Eijndhoven

NOS/Jeroen van Eijndhoven NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 22:33 A University of Toronto study of more than a million patients has shown that female surgeons in Canada, on average, do better work than their male colleagues. According to the researchers patients operated on by a woman have a lower risk of death, an unplanned readmission or a serious … Read more

President Joe Biden’s Alleged $100,000 Plastic Surgery Revealed

President Joe Biden’s Alleged 0,000 Plastic Surgery Revealed

Gary Motiki, a senior plastic surgeon in the US state of California, revealed that President Joe Biden spent $100,000 on plastic surgery, including facelifts, eyebrow lifts and hair transplants. “I expect Biden to have spent up to $100,000 today on plastic surgery if he had these procedures here in Beverly Hills,” Motiki said on his … Read more

New Drug Discovery: Revolutionary Treatment for Bowel Cancer Eliminates Need for Surgery

New Drug Discovery: Revolutionary Treatment for Bowel Cancer Eliminates Need for Surgery

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Experiments revealed a new drug that can eradicate bowel cancer and eliminate the need for surgeries. The drug is also used in some types of lung cancer and has been shown to be effective in endometrial and stomach cancer. When given in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, durvalumab can destroy cancers in the … Read more

Central Bank of Cuba Implements Measures to Promote Electronic Payments

Central Bank of Cuba Implements Measures to Promote Electronic Payments

In a press conference, the vice president of the BCC Alberto Quiñones reported that the measures will be gradually implemented starting tomorrow and this process is carried out under the principle of maintaining equality among all economic actors. He specified that the provisions issued by the Central Bank, which seek to promote the use of … Read more

The Link Between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Marital Relationship: Insights from Obesity Surgery Consultant

The Link Between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Marital Relationship: Insights from Obesity Surgery Consultant

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Obesity surgery consultant Dr. Nayef Al-Enezi revealed the link between sleeve gastrectomy operations and the marital relationship after he underwent 15,000 operations. And he said during an interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel: “Sleeve surgery is very excellent, it increases sexual desire and its results on the marital relationship are positive. The lower a person’s … Read more

Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr Debunks Claim that TMR Laser Heart Treatment Replaces Catheterization or Open-Heart Operations

Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr Debunks Claim that TMR Laser Heart Treatment Replaces Catheterization or Open-Heart Operations

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A consultant and professor of cardiology and arterial catheterization, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, responded to a marketing clip spread in Arabic on social media for two Asian doctors working in America claiming that TMR laser heart treatment replaces catheterization or open-heart operations. Al-Nimr said on his Twitter account: This statement is, in fact, completely … Read more