Storm surge warning for Hamburg: Elbe region at risk from Friday evening

Storm surge warning for Hamburg: Elbe region at risk from Friday evening

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency is warning of an impending storm surge in the Elbe region of Hamburg this Friday evening. The authorities recommend avoiding the affected low-lying areas and moving vehicles to safer areas. Storm surge warning for Hamburg For the Hanseatic city, a flood peak is expected at around 8:07 p.m. at … Read more

Althusmann leaves state politics disappointed, goes to Canada

Althusmann leaves state politics disappointed, goes to Canada

Bernd Althusmann (CDU), former challenger of Stephan Weil (SPD) for the office of Prime Minister in Lower Saxony, is leaving state politics. In an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ), he admitted mistakes and looked ahead to his upcoming role at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Canada. “I am not leaving with a grudge” … Read more

Lauterbach warns against trivialising the dangers of Corona

Lauterbach warns against trivialising the dangers of Corona

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) defends the approach taken during the corona pandemic and warns against trivializing the events. He emphasizes that a different approach would have led to significantly higher death rates and stresses the need to learn from the experience in order to be able to respond to future pandemics. Lauterbach’s assessment … Read more

IKK boss proposes private supplementary insurance for specialist visits

IKK boss proposes private supplementary insurance for specialist visits

The chairman of the IKK Innovation Fund, Ralf Hermes, proposes voluntary private insurance for those insured with statutory health insurance, which would cover the costs of specialist visits. According to Hermes, this model would help to improve the quality of care and minimize costs. Hermes advocates voluntary private insurance for specialist visits Ralf Hermesthe board … Read more

Germany threatens to miss NATO’s two percent target in 2026

Germany threatens to miss NATO’s two percent target in 2026

According to an internal calculation by the Ministry of Defense, Germany is in danger of missing NATO’s two percent target again in 2026. The reason is that the federal government plans to no longer finance arms aid to Ukraine from the federal budget after 2026. Budget planning and NATO goals Again “Spiegel” reported that despite … Read more

German Sports Association calls for stronger political influence for sport

German Sports Association calls for stronger political influence for sport

The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) is calling for more political influence in order to achieve improvements in areas such as youth development, schools and sports facilities. Chairman Torsten Burmester sees sport as the largest citizens’ movement in Germany and is calling for a stronger voice in politics. Sport as a citizens’ movement Torsten Burmesterthe … Read more

Wagenknecht coalition plans investigative committees on Corona, open to AfD

Wagenknecht coalition plans investigative committees on Corona, open to AfD

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) is planning to set up investigative committees to examine the Corona measures policy after the state and federal elections in 2025 and is open to working with the AfD. This could be a controversial step, as no other party, apart from the AfD, supports investigative committees to examine the Corona … Read more