David Sasoli also had blood cancer and a bone marrow transplant

David Sasoli also had blood cancer and a bone marrow transplant

– – David Sasoli died at the age of 65. PHOTO: FACEBOOK – Former President of the European Parliament David Sasoli, who died on January 11, has suffered from myeloma, a blood cancer, for 10 years. That is why on December 26 he was admitted to the Aviano Oncology Center, Corriere della Sera reported. The … Read more

Found a way to quickly assess the effectiveness of cancer treatment

Found a way to quickly assess the effectiveness of cancer treatment

Photo: pixabay.com Found a way to quickly assess the effectiveness of cancer treatment – – Scientists have developed a way to evaluate the process by which antigen-recognizing receptors are formed. British researchers from University College London and the Francis Crick Institute have developed a method to quickly measure the number of T cells in a … Read more

The mechanism of growth of a cancerous brain tumor has been discovered

The mechanism of growth of a cancerous brain tumor has been discovered

Photo: pixabay.com A specific protein cuts the DNA strand – – To prevent the development of glioma, scientists advise taking medications that suppress the expression of the enzyme topoisomerase IIB. American researchers have identified an enzyme that is involved in the regulation of oncogenes in cells of one of the most common and incurable types … Read more

Found a super effective treatment for breast cancer

Found a super effective treatment for breast cancer

Photo: pixabay.com Scientists have found a new way to treat breast cancer – – The ErSO drug kills 95-100% of breast cancer cells, as well as their metastases throughout the body. American scientists have developed a new cancer treatment method that is capable of destroying up to 100% of breast tumor cells. The results of … Read more

CANTABRIA.-Oncología de Valdecilla celebrates its VI symposium to analyze the latest advances in cancer management

CANTABRIA.-Oncología de Valdecilla celebrates its VI symposium to analyze the latest advances in cancer management

SANTANDER, 21 (EUROPE PRESS) The Oncology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital celebrates in Santander, from June 23 to 25, in a face-to-face and virtual way, the VI Symposium ‘Oncopromesas vs Oncosaurios’, focused in this edition on analyzing the most recent innovations in cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as future challenges. The … Read more

El Bierzo raises the first 1,500 signatures to the Procurador del Común to demand a “worthy” Oncology service for the Hospital del Bierzo | El Bierzo News

El Bierzo raises the first 1,500 signatures to the Procurador del Común to demand a “worthy” Oncology service for the Hospital del Bierzo |  El Bierzo News

El Bierzo has turned, once again, so that its voice is heard loud and clear in demand of a “worthy” Oncology service for Hospital del Bierzo. The citizens’ initiative launched at the end of March has already achieved the first 1,500 signatures that he sent this Tuesday to Common Attorney for what take action on … Read more

The death of the patient: three doctors at the Cancer Institute will be tried

The death of the patient: three doctors at the Cancer Institute will be tried

Photo: unci.org.ua The anesthesiologist did not perform preoperative preparation – – The anesthesiologist, through whose fault the woman died, as well as her attending physician and a pathologist, who tried to hide a colleague’s mistake, will go to court. In Kiev, three doctors from the National Cancer Institute will be on trial. The doctors are … Read more

Experts prepare guide for vaccination against COVID-19 in oncology – 03/07/2021

Experts prepare guide for vaccination against COVID-19 in oncology – 03/07/2021

Exclusive content – The note you are trying to access is exclusively for subscribers Subscribe me Know our plansand enjoy El País without limits. – Pay in If you are already a subscriber you canenter with your username and password. – – The question is repeatedly asked in the office or on the phone or … Read more