“They asked for loans”: Folkloric group of older adults denounces a scam with a trip to the Dominican Republic

“They asked for loans”: Folkloric group of older adults denounces a scam with a trip to the Dominican Republic

Older adults, belonging to a folk group, denounce that her dance teacher he scammed them with 32 million pesos which were supposedly intended for finance a trip to the Dominican Republic. Something that never happened. “I was telling half the world that I was going to travel to the Dominican Republic, but no problem”confessed Hernan … Read more

Ancash begins the application of the bivalent vaccine for adults over 60 years of age | News

Ancash begins the application of the bivalent vaccine for adults over 60 years of age |  News

09:10 | Chimbote, Feb. 2. The Regional Health Directorate (Diresa) of Áncash began bivalent vaccination against covid-19 for adults over 60 years of age and over, of the 20 provinces that this region has. The regional immunization coordinator, Lorena Cernca Toledoindicated that they received a new batch of the bivalent vaccine of more than 70,000 … Read more

Lambayeque begins today, February 1, the application of the bivalent vaccine for older adults | News

Lambayeque begins today, February 1, the application of the bivalent vaccine for older adults |  News

06:58 | Chiclayo, Feb. one. Today, Wednesday, February 1, the Lambayeque Regional Health Management (Geresa) will begin the vaccination campaign for adults over 60 years of age after the arrival of 81,000 doses of the bivalent vaccine against covid-19 in this region. Thus, Geresa Lambayeque scheduled vaccination through fixed points in public spaces and in … Read more

Covid-19: More than 56,000 older adults will receive bivalent vaccine at home | News

Covid-19: More than 56,000 older adults will receive bivalent vaccine at home |  News

The bivalent vaccine, which serves as a booster against COVID-19, is already being applied in Lima and Callao and 56,802 older adults will receive it after enrolling in the Home Care Program (Padomi) of the Social Health Security ( EsSalud). The executive president of EsSalud, Dr. Arturo Orellana Vicuña, presented the start of this vaccination … Read more