The Health Benefits of Parsley: Why You Should Incorporate This Leafy Vegetable into Your Diet

The Health Benefits of Parsley: Why You Should Incorporate This Leafy Vegetable into Your Diet

Parsley is one of the most important and healthy leafy vegetables. Many people use it as an important herb that is placed on many foods, raw or dry, or even in addition to cooked food in its various forms. Parsley has many health benefits because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and elements. It … Read more

Top 9 Behaviors That Damage Collagen and Make You Look Older Before Your Time

Top 9 Behaviors That Damage Collagen and Make You Look Older Before Your Time

Keypoint No one wants to get old. I don’t want to wither. I don’t want to have crow’s feet. or make the skin look sagging Because of these things These are all signs of getting older. Nowadays, with lifestyle habits, food, and stress that are increasing. It may cause many people to look older or … Read more

Alejandro Ebrat, lawyer, on the theft of inheritances: “As no one claims them, they have it easy”

Alejandro Ebrat, lawyer, on the theft of inheritances: “As no one claims them, they have it easy”

Madrid This Saturday we remembered the Barcelona actress, Itziar Castro, who died early last Friday at the age of 46. During the summer, she was a collaborator of “Let’s Live It’s Two Days” and left phrases that we will always keep in our memories: “Carmen Maura said it a lot, that the success of this … Read more

Understanding the Worries and Troubles in Your Parents’ Hearts: An Introduction to the Series

Understanding the Worries and Troubles in Your Parents’ Hearts: An Introduction to the Series

Introduction to the series of articles Parents learn from their heartsIt aims to help the public better understand and interpret the worries and troubles in their parents’ hearts. The series of articles will explore topics such as physiological aging, psychology, emotional support and spiritual needs of the elderly through various situations in life, and provide … Read more

Homeless Citizens Participate in Film Conference at Carlos E. Restrepo Public Library

Homeless Citizens Participate in Film Conference at Carlos E. Restrepo Public Library

• Throughout this week, homeless citizens participated in a film conference held at the Carlos E. Restrepo public library. • In different activities, some short films and the films “Silence in paradise” and “Enchantment” were screened. • It is estimated that in the 3 days that the cinematographic event lasted, more than 140 homeless citizens … Read more

Premature birth risk is on the rise in Korea, necessitating pre-pregnancy screenings and ongoing care.

Premature birth risk is on the rise in Korea, necessitating pre-pregnancy screenings and ongoing care.

“Need to manage the risk of premature birth through pre-pregnancy screening” Courtesy of Getty Images Bank The rate of premature birth is increasing as the number of multiple births increases due to the recent increase in mothers aged 35 years or older and infertility procedures. According to the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, … Read more

Elderly Confinement for Three Years: Spain Reports Up to 15 Daily Covid Deaths as Virus Continues to Worsen.

Elderly Confinement for Three Years: Spain Reports Up to 15 Daily Covid Deaths as Virus Continues to Worsen.

Just three years ago today, the March 14, 2020, Spain decreed a home confinement to the entire population. First for 15 days, but finally they became about two months. In the social imaginary, the covid-19 pandemic is behind us, but epidemiologists warn that this is not the case: in spain is still the notifiable disease … Read more