Beijing will issue bonds worth nearly 300 billion euros to revive its economy –

Beijing will issue bonds worth nearly 300 billion euros to revive its economy –

The Chinese Minister of Finance announced on Saturday that China would devote nearly 280 billion francs in bonds over the next three months, in order to revive the world’s second largest economy, which is losing momentum. “In the next three months, a total of 2.3 trillion yuan of special bonds can be used,” Minister Lan … Read more

The Cuban Government extends the obligation to operate with bank accounts to farmers and artists

The Cuban Government extends the obligation to operate with bank accounts to farmers and artists

Food producers will be required to have and declare a fiscal bank account in Cuba through which they must carry out all operations related to their activity, a measure that also affects artists and intellectuals, communicators, usufructuaries of state lands, owners of agricultural land and landless livestock keepers. Any repair, maintenance, purchase of equipment and … Read more

New setback to the implementation of the animal welfare law: mandatory dog insurance postponed.

New setback to the implementation of the animal welfare law: mandatory dog insurance postponed.

New setback to the animal welfare law. The animal protection, rights and welfare regulation, approved in March, required dog insurance to be taken out, a “responsible ownership” course for owners to be carried out and certain animals included in a positive list to be identified as of 29 September, but since the Government is in … Read more

6.5 billion bonds Earn an increasing interest rate

6.5 billion bonds Earn an increasing interest rate

Deal completed Q1/65 1.6 billion Mr. Sanguan Jungsakul Senior Vice President Money Market Business Division, Capital Market, Krung Thai Bank or KTB extension Revealing the “economic basis” that in the near term there are bonds that will mature at 156 billion baht in the first quarter. In January alone, the price was 39.911 million baht, … Read more