“Czech-Italian tycoon” Kapitán Demo performs a grand spectacle at Prague’s O2 arena

“Czech-Italian tycoon” Kapitán Demo performs a grand spectacle at Prague’s O2 arena

An original spectacle was prepared by “Czech-Italian tycoon” Kapitán Demo, who performed on Saturday in Prague’s O2 arena. His fans couldn’t believe their eyes when the singer did not perform for the first hour of the concert, but rather a bizarre accompanying program took place. However, Captain Demo made up for it all. Captain Demo … Read more

Review of Lewis Capaldi’s concert in Prague’s O2 arena

Review of Lewis Capaldi’s concert in Prague’s O2 arena

The golden boy of the island’s music industry, only twenty-six-year-old Scot Lewis Capaldi, presented himself in Prague’s O2 arena as a brilliant singer and showman who still has room to grow. He diluted sugarcandle songs with harsh jokes. “I never realized I had a fear of heights. Except on this tour,” he says after finishing … Read more