“Indulge in guilt-free eating with trendy ‘minus calorie’ foods post-pandemic”

“Indulge in guilt-free eating with trendy ‘minus calorie’ foods post-pandemic”

Most vegetables and fruits that do not affect body fat gain The food itself is low in calories, but the calories lost to the body are high. Citizens who prefer a healthy diet Enjoy food without burden A diet that only eats negative calorie foods leads to nutritional deficiencies A citizen is looking around the … Read more

Rewritten: Investigating Static Electricity during Spring Season: Does Physical Appearance Play a Role?

Rewritten: Investigating Static Electricity during Spring Season: Does Physical Appearance Play a Role?

When you open a car door or refrigerator door, there is a moment when the nerves that tingle are straightened. Static electricity is particularly common during the change of seasons when the air is dry like these days. In general, it is said that 1 in 4 people suffer from static electricity. There are times … Read more

[Health Talk] Excess Fat Visible Through Thin Clothes… Is Liposuction Worth Considering?

[Health Talk] Excess Fat Visible Through Thin Clothes… Is Liposuction Worth Considering?

When the weather warms up, clothes become lighter. As the body is exposed, more and more people are thinking about liposuction. I learned about liposuction with a Haidak expert. Liposuction l Source: Getty Image BankQ. What is liposuction?Liposuction involves injecting a solution containing a local anesthetic, saline, and a vasoconstrictor into the subcutaneous fat to … Read more

In Belarus, the term of the pilot project on catering in schools was extended | Nutrition and diet | Health

In Belarus, the term of the pilot project on catering in schools was extended |  Nutrition and diet |  Health

In Belarus, the deadline has been extended and the list of participants in the pilot project on catering in schools has been expanded. This is provided for by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of March 23, 2023 No. 197, it is said on National legal portal. In addition, the list of general secondary … Read more

“5 Tips for Maintaining Optimal Liver Health for Women with Irregular Menstrual Cycles”

“5 Tips for Maintaining Optimal Liver Health for Women with Irregular Menstrual Cycles”

Studies have shown that women with irregular or longer-than-average menstrual cycles have an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver refers to a disease in which fat is accumulated in the liver, similar to people who do not drink or drink only small amounts of alcohol. Women with irregular menstrual cycles have … Read more

The Key to Health in Later Life: Maintaining ‘This Muscle’

The Key to Health in Later Life: Maintaining ‘This Muscle’

When you enter middle age, muscle mass decreases due to aging. Muscle loss brings several problems, especially when the thigh muscles decrease, which is a red light for middle-aged health. This is because the thighs account for 50-70% of the total muscle mass and consume about 70% of the glucose consumed. In addition, when the … Read more

Which Fish Should You Eat to Boost Your Brainpower? A Guide to the Best Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA, and EPA (With Photos of Mackerel and Other Fish) in Nutrition.

Which Fish Should You Eat to Boost Your Brainpower? A Guide to the Best Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA, and EPA (With Photos of Mackerel and Other Fish) in Nutrition.

Nutritionists say that fish fat contains great Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, so eating fish can really make people smarter. (Image source: Pixabay) See Chinese websites prohibit the establishment of mirror sites. I often hear people say that eating fish can make you smarter. Why is this? March 12,NutritionShi Gao Minmin posted a post on Facebook … Read more

Is the Claim True that Consuming Red Pepper Aids in Weight Loss?

Is the Claim True that Consuming Red Pepper Aids in Weight Loss?

PepperㅣSource: Getty Image BankPeppers are a versatile food. Green peppers are eaten raw, and red peppers are dried and powdered or soaked in intestines. Peppers are not only highly utilized, but are also rich in various nutrients, which are beneficial to health. It is especially rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin … Read more

“Eat salt ‘like this’ during World Salt Awareness Week”

“Eat salt ‘like this’ during World Salt Awareness Week”

The British campaign group Action on Salt (formerly Consensus Action on Salt & Health, or CASH) organizes an annual ‘World Salt Awareness Week’ to raise awareness of the health effects of excess salt. In 2023, ‘World Salt Awareness Week’ runs from 14 to 20 March. Salt is an essential nutrient for various functions in our … Read more

“Identifying Red Flag 3 for Liver Damage and Tips for Maintaining Liver Health”

“Identifying Red Flag 3 for Liver Damage and Tips for Maintaining Liver Health”

The liver performs important and complex functions in our body, such as nutrient metabolism and detoxification. Therefore, if there is a problem with liver health, abnormal symptoms appear in various parts of the body. Symptoms vary from relatively mild symptoms such as lethargy and indigestion to liver disease that can be life-threatening. The liver is … Read more