Israeli minister reveals possibility of his country attacking Iranian nuclear facilities Page all

Israeli minister reveals possibility of his country attacking Iranian nuclear facilities Page all

JERUSALEM, – Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel could strike Iranian nuclear sites in the next two to three years. Explicit comments including the possibility of that time period were made by the “Zionist State” minister on Wednesday (28/12/2022). With international efforts to renew the 2015 nuclear deal stalled, Iran has ramped up its … Read more

In the eastern region… building the Kingdom’s first nuclear reactor

In the eastern region… building the Kingdom’s first nuclear reactor

Assistant Professor at King Abdulaziz University’s Department of Nuclear Engineering Dr. Abd al-Salam al-Hawsawi on the selection of the eastern region, for the launch of the first nuclear reactors of the Kingdom, according to studies depending on the need for a source of water used to heat nuclear fuel, as well as an adequate geographical … Read more