Getting to know Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the ‘father of Iran’s nuclear bombs’ who died …

Getting to know Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the ‘father of Iran’s nuclear bombs’ who died …

loading… TEHERAN – Military scientist Iran prominent Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed in an attack outside Tehran on Friday. The scientist has been dubbed the “father of the Iranian nuclear bomb” because Western intelligence saw him as the mastermind behind Tehran’s covert efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies Fakhrizadeh was involved in any such efforts … Read more

Iran Nuclear Expert Escapes Attempted Assassination, Fakhrizadeh Wounded

Iran Nuclear Expert Escapes Attempted Assassination, Fakhrizadeh Wounded

loading… TEHERAN – Nuclear specialist Iran Mohsen Fakhrizadeh escaped an assassination attempt near Tehran on Friday. He is currently being treated in hospital with injuries. Fakhrizadeh has long been suspected by enemies of Iran, the West and Israel of masterminding a secret atomic bomb program that was discontinued in 2003. Iran has long denied accusations … Read more