The Surprising Insights on Earth’s Core Rotation and its Impact on Earth’s Day Length

The Surprising Insights on Earth’s Core Rotation and its Impact on Earth’s Day Length

Jakarta – In the 1960s to 1970s, the US and the USSR conducted a number of nuclear tests, including underground. Even though it destroys the environment and can trigger Earth’s temperature like in an ice age, it turns out that nuclear explosions are of no use. Scientists use it to study the Earth’s core. Of … Read more

Understanding Earth’s Core through Nuclear Explosions and Seismic Tomography

Understanding Earth’s Core through Nuclear Explosions and Seismic Tomography

Jakarta – In the 1960s to 1970s, the US and the USSR conducted a number of nuclear tests, including underground. Even though it destroys the environment and can trigger Earth’s temperature like in an ice age, it turns out that nuclear explosions are of no use. Scientists use it to study the Earth’s core. Of … Read more

The Best Places to Protect Against a Nuclear Bomb: Study Reveals Safety Tips

The Best Places to Protect Against a Nuclear Bomb: Study Reveals Safety Tips

Jakarta – The story in the movie ‘Oppenheimer’ might make us imagine what if there was an attack nuclear bomb. Will we have time to find shelter? Protecting yourself from a nuclear bomb is out of the question if you are in the heavy damage zone, as anything too close simply vaporizes. But what if … Read more

The Impact of Starfish Prime: Creating an Artificial Radiation Belt and Disrupting Electronic Systems

The Impact of Starfish Prime: Creating an Artificial Radiation Belt and Disrupting Electronic Systems

Jakarta – Sixty-one years ago, July 9, 1962 to be precise, crowds gathered on the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii and watched the US detonate a nuclear bomb in outer space. Known as Starfish Prime, the explosion was part of a series of high-altitude nuclear tests known as Operation Fishbowl. Five nuclear devices were launched during … Read more

Debunking Conspiracy Claims: The Truth Behind Nuclear Test Documentation

Debunking Conspiracy Claims: The Truth Behind Nuclear Test Documentation

Jakarta – Despite some of the conspiracy claims that often circulate, nuclear testing is a real thing and historical documentation is in the form of original photos and video footage. Some people on the internet say the nuclear test documentation is just part of a conspiracy. Some say the recorded history of nuclear weapons testing … Read more

China Calls on Major Nations to Bring Their Nuclear Arsenal Back Home

China Calls on Major Nations to Bring Their Nuclear Arsenal Back Home

China Urges Major Countries to Withdraw Nuclear Weapons Overseas. PHOTO/Reuters ANKARA – China have asked the major powers to withdraw nuclear weapons stationed abroad and canceling related agreements with host countries to reduce the risk of nuclear war. Speaking at the United Nations Security Council briefing on “Threats to International Peace and Security” on Friday … Read more

Former Russian President Scorns Japan Over Nuclear Comments

Former Russian President Scorns Japan Over Nuclear Comments

loading… Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Photo/REUTERS MOSCOW – Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev gave a harsh scorn to Japanese Prime Minister (PM) Fumio Kishida. According to Medvedev, Kishida has tarnished the memory of hundreds of thousands of people who died in the United States (US) atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Medvedev’s remarks … Read more

It’s not a bluff, Russia is installing 2 Yars nuclear missiles in silos

It’s not a bluff, Russia is installing 2 Yars nuclear missiles in silos

Loading… The process of installing nuclear missiles in silos by the Russian military. Photo/ russia FLY – This week, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces installed two Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in silos. This was reported by the Russian Defense Ministry (Kemhan) in the midst of still fierce fighting on Ukrainian territory. The Russian military … Read more

Capable of reaching the United States, this Russian missile is 12 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb

Capable of reaching the United States, this Russian missile is 12 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb

Loading… Russia’s Yars ICBM is capable of reaching the United States and is 12 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Photo/The Defense Post FLY – Ministry of Defence Russia just posted a video of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) being launched from a silo. Russian media widely cited this as an … Read more

Viral video on the impact of the nuclear bomb via VR, right?

Viral video on the impact of the nuclear bomb via VR, right?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The atomic or nuclear bomb became one of the most impactful weapons of war. This was demonstrated in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II 1940 ago. Through virtual reality technology, one can also feel the impact which is more or less similar to a bomb falling today. … Read more